Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Your Signature Is Needed: Highly toxic chlorpyrifos pesticide could kill bees and harm children



URGENT WARNING: The highly toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos is no longer banned, and we’re facing a critical threat to our health and our environment. Take action now! >> 

Just when we thought progress was being made on harmful pesticides, a federal court recently overturned a crucial ban on chlorpyrifos. This toxic chemical poses serious risks to both people and pollinators, with severe consequences for children's developing brains and devastating effects on bee populations. 

With your help, we fought hard to successfully ban chlorpyrifos in 2021 for good reasons. Its use has been linked to reduced IQ, memory loss, and attention deficit disorders in infants and children — and with bees and other pollinators responsible for 1 in 3 bites of food we eat, the threat to our food system is undeniable since chlorpyrifos is fatal to bees.  

Now that the ban on this highly toxic pesticide has been lifted, the consequences for our ecosystems could be catastrophic.  

But there's still hope. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the power to reinstate the ban on chlorpyrifos — but we need your voice today to make it happen. Can we count on you to join us in demanding immediate action to protect our children, our bees, and our planet from the dangers of chlorpyrifos? Add your name now! >> 


With the ban overturned, chlorpyrifos could be used in food production again, and maybe even end up on your plate! And without bees pollinating 75% of the world’s most nutritious crops, we could have less food to put on our plates in the first place! 

We’ve already seen the power of grassroots activism when we pushed to ban chlorpyrifos the first time around — and right now, we need our members to step up to the plate with us again. Every activist signature counts toward sending a powerful message to the EPA to prioritize our health, our pollinators, and our planet above pesticide industry profits.  

Together, let's ensure a future where toxic pesticides have no place in our food system and where bees and humans can thrive together without fear of harm from dangerous chemicals like chlorpyrifos. 

Time is of the essence. We’re aiming to get 3,207 more signatures on our petition by 11:59 P.M. tonight to show the EPA that we have strong grassroots support to stop this potent pesticide from threatening us all. Please add your name now to tell the EPA to reinstate the BAN on toxic chlorpyrifos immediately! >> 


Thanks for making an impact with your action today, 
Friends of the Earth 

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