Saturday, April 17, 2021

Brian Kemp is rigging the system for Republicans


Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is at it again, and this time he's doing his best Marie Antoinette impression.
In 2020, Republicans slashed Board of Elections budgets, creating lines that lasted from sunup to sundown -- especially in communities of color. But determined Democratic volunteers delivered pizza and water, kept morale high, and made sure everyone stayed in line until their ballots were cast. It was thanks to the overwhelming enthusiasm of Democratic voters and organizers that we flipped the Senate and the White House in spite of Republican voter suppression.
But instead of fixing Georgia voting systems, Republicans saw an opportunity to rig elections in their favor. They responded in 2021 by passing legislation to make these problems even worse, and keep voters from casting their ballots.
Now, Kemp's new law goes so far as to make it a crime to provide food and water to folks waiting in line to vote -- which Gov. Kemp and the legislature are trying to make as long and miserable as possible.
Gov. Kemp's solution to the problem? Let them eat Grubhub.
That's right: Kemp defended his awful restrictions by saying that voters waiting in line could just “order Grubhub or UberEats.”
Governor Kemp and his Republican allies are fixated on rigging the system so that Democrats like Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock will never win again. It's going to take a surge of Democrats like you to help us elect strong progressives to undo all of the damage selfish Republicans have wreaked on our democracy.
We will need all the resources we can gather to unseat these Republicans in 2022, but we can do it if we start now.
We need to raise $470 more today to meet our daily goal. Can you rush a donation to help us make sure Republicans don't turn back the clock on our Democratic progress in Georgia?

Thank you for staying in this fight with us. We know 2020 was hard, but it's never been more critical that we hold Republicans accountable -- and your support makes it possible!
Progressive Majority

Progressive Majority PAC is leading the fight against Trump's GOP and their dangerous and divisive agenda by supporting elected progressives, helping elect even more progressive Democrats to Congress, and protecting the gains we made in the past election. This movement is powered by progressives like you.

Progressive Majority PAC
410 1st St, SE
Suite 310
Washington, DC 20003


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