Monday, September 9, 2024

Take Action: Don’t let Louis DeJoy privatize the USPS!


         DeJoy has scrambled parts of out nation with SLOW DELIVERIES, penalized 

          businesses, slowed prescription drug deliveries and much else.

We need to act to save the United States Postal Service from Wall Street and Trump-appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

Mail slowdowns and historic price hikes have made DeJoy’s claim that the USPS is in a “death spiral” a self fulfilling prophecy.

These decisions affect us all, but folks in rural areas, including many Indigenous communities, seniors, and veterans are the ones who will pay the greatest price, because for many -- the post office is their lifeline. These communities rely on the postal service to receive medications and to vote-by-mail, because some towns are too small for polling places and don’t have a pharmacy.

Send your message now to Congress and the USPS Board of Governors demanding immediate action to protect and strengthen the USPS.

Here’s the good news: When DeJoy has faced pressure from Congress and everyday people like you and me, we’ve won. Our movement, working with Congress, forced DeJoy to pause the closures of mail processing centers to help protect vote-by-mail in this crucial election year and pushed him to commit to more sustainable policies like an electric vehicle fleet. 

Now it’s time to make our voices heard again -- This time to stop the new mail slowdowns set to hit rural communities the hardest, and demand service delivery be restored to 2012 standards to completely erase the damage done by Louis DeJoy.

Don’t let Louis DeJoy privatize the USPS! Join us in demanding Congress and the USPS Board of Governors stop mail slowdowns and price hikes, and restore 2012 delivery standards, to save the post office now.

Thank you for your attention,
The whole Common Dreams team

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