Monday, July 1, 2024

A quick review of 4th grade social studies.



Let's have a quick review of fourth-grade social studies:

You know what you call a president who enforces laws, but doesn't need to follow them? A king.

And you know what country was founded explicitly never to have a king?

The United States of America.

When we woke up this morning, we still lived in that country. Then the Supreme Court weighed in and decided that US presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for any "official" actions.

So tonight, we're going to bed in a country where, according to our highest court, anything–literally anything–a president does in the name of their job is allowed.

I don't expect a lot of us to sleep all that well tonight with this new knowledge.

Make no mistake, the Court's extremist Trump majority knows exactly what it was doing with this decision: trying to run out the clock so Donald Trump's trial gets pushed until after the election.

And if Trump's re-elected, he can just drop all the charges against himself. Remember, he's a convicted felon running for office to escape accountability for his crime and corruption.

The stakes in this election just went up...again. It falls to us to stand up and fight back against the obvious advance of authoritarianism. That means electing a strong, pro-democracy majority in Congress. Will you make a donation to our campaign and stand up for democracy today?


We've known for a long time that the Court's extremist majority, and the far-right leaders who gave them this power, have no commitment to the rights of the American people.

If Donald Trump is re-elected, he wants to literally shred our Constitution. And thanks to today's ruling, it would be totally legal.

We're not backing down. And we certainly aren't going to give up and let Donald Trump destroy everything this country represents. What happens in November will either save our democracy or obliterate it. We cannot give up or give in.

Yours in the fight,


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Paid for and authorized by the Re-Elect McGovern Committee.


This email was sent by Jim McGovern
Jim McGovern for Congress
PO Box 60405
Worcester, MA 01606
United States

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