Friday, June 14, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (06/13/2024)


UN Commission of Inquiry: Israel guilty of Crimes against Humanity, Hamas Guilty of War Crimes

UN Commission of Inquiry: Israel guilty of Crimes against Humanity, Hamas Guilty of War Crimes

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel issued a report on Wednesday in which it charged both Hamas and Israel with war crimes. The IICIOPTI made an extensive investigation into the October 7 massacre in Israel staged by the Hamas paramilitary and its […]

Will the New, more Specific UN Ceasefire Resolution for Gaza Succeed?

Will the New, more Specific UN Ceasefire Resolution for Gaza Succeed?

By Marika Sosnowski, The University of Melbourne | – (The Conversation) – The UN Security Council has passed yet another resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. This is the fourth such resolution adopted by the council since Hamas’ October 7 attack on southern Israel and the launching of Israel’s war in Gaza. Little has […]

This Time, from Climate to Palestine to Trump 2.0, we must listen to our wise Cassandras

This Time, from Climate to Palestine to Trump 2.0, we must listen to our wise Cassandras

( – A few days ago, my partner and I went in search of packing tape. Our sojourn on an idyllic (if tick-infested) Cape Cod island was ending and it was time to ship some stuff home. We stopped at a little odds-and-ends shop and found ourselves in conversation with the woman behind the […]

Old posts you may have missed

As Israel Rejects UN Ceasefire, 3,000 Palestinian Children in S. Gaza in Danger of Starving before their Parents’ Eyes

As Oceans Heat up, American Coastal Economies find themselves in Hot Water

The Lasting Legacy of Truth-Teller Daniel Ellsberg

How a Faster Move to Clean Energy will Save everyone Money on Power Bills

Trump Rhetoric after his Felony Conviction: Distract, Stoke Fear, Pave way for Strongman

Can Democracy and Billionaires Coexist? Not on this planet

Netanyahu’s Botched Hostage Rescue Killed 270, failed to prevent Collapse of his War Cabinet

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