Friday, May 17, 2024

Informed Comment daily updates (05/16/2024)


From Campus Climate to Middle East Climate Emergency

From Campus Climate to Middle East Climate Emergency

Juan Cole: Israel, Gaza and Campus Protests, Part II on Sea Change Radio with Alex Wise. Transcript below. Or listen here: This week on Sea Change Radio, the second half of our discussion with Middle East expert Juan Cole of the University of Michigan. In this episode, we talk about some of the problems presented […]

The Race to End Fossil Fuel Production

The Race to End Fossil Fuel Production

( Foreign Policy in Focus ) – Everyone complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. This quip by the American essayist Charles Dudley Warner applies to fossil fuels as well. Everyone talks about ending fossil fuel production, but almost no one is doing anything about it. Take the example of the Biden […]

Israel’s Assault on Rafah risks making Victory against Hamas more Elusive

Israel’s Assault on Rafah risks making Victory against Hamas more Elusive

By Ben Soodavar, King’s College London and Rhiannon Emm, King’s College London | – (The Conversation) – The prospect of a ceasefire agreement, which Hamas claimed it had been offered earlier this month, was a source of optimism for Gazans seeking respite from the war. That sense of jubilation was short-lived. According to mediators in […]

Old posts you may have missed

Gaslit to Death: Giving Cover to Israel’s Rafah Atrocity with Phony Gaza Numbers Game

The Arsenal of Genocide: the U.S. Weapons That Are Destroying Gaza

Democracy Versus Autocracy on America’s Campuses

Trump’s Dangerous ‘State of Exception’: SCOTUS must not Allow Presidential Immunity

Gaza War is Bolstering Iran’s Standing in the Muslim World as Anti-Americanism Surges

Makes me feel Sad for the Rest: Why Palestinian Journalists in Gaza are the Real Journalists

Lindsey “Dr. Strangelove” Graham, Critic of Putin’s Atrocities, Urges Nuking of Gaza’s Civilians

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