Sunday, September 29, 2024

Weirdo Trump Stooge Gets a Much-Needed Reality Check from a Normal Person

by TYT Sports

 + 300 COMMENTS....PEOPLE recognize what a worthless clown VIVEK RAMALAMADINGDONG is! There are questionable ties to RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA OUTLETS....


Why isn't Vivik action on how he ripped off investors of million dollars with a bogus drug that was worthless?

Vivek is nothing more then dark skinned fast talking snake oil conman like 45.

Ramasmarmy. Smarm. A disgusting bottom feeder. A carpet bagger. A fraud.

Vivek Ann Coultor told you to your face she would not ever vote for you because your Indian and you sat there looking so stupid because your not white Vivek 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Ramasmarmy. Smarm. A disgusting bottom feeder. A carpet bagger. A fraud.

DONALD DUCK TRUMP IS WEIRD AND SENILE, Vivek Ramaswamy is Trumps clown, Trump doesn't even want him around, but this bedbug is willing to get on his knees. Very annoying and toxic, has no real personality, likes to hear himself talk, has no real manners, rudely interrupts while someone is talking. Nobody likes this guy and yet there he is like a bedbug.

Vivek is a buffoon

He wants to be intellectually honest when he doesn't understand what Pressley was trying to point out. She said she couldn't back a brown person that can't stick up for other brown people.

TYT Sports

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