Friday, June 21, 2024

Top News: Vast Majority on Earth Want a Fossil Fuel Phaseout


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Thursday, June 20, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

Most People on Earth, Even in Petrostates, Want Quick Fossil Fuel Phaseout: Poll

"There can be no doubt that citizens across the world are saying to their leaders, you have to act and, above all, have to act faster," a U.N. official said. "This is an issue that almost everyone, everywhere, can agree on."

By Edward Carver

Project 2025: How Trump Win Would Imperil Worker Organizing Gains Under Biden's NLRB

The right-wing agenda "offers a playbook for how an administration could jeopardize the NLRB's ability to protect organizing workers."

By Julia Conley

Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis

"We cannot continue to run our public education system on the backs of saints and martyrs," an elementary school teacher testified to a Senate committee.

By Jake Johnson

Climate Crisis Made Deadly Heatwave in US and Mexico 35 Times More Likely

"As long as humans fill the atmosphere with fossil-fuel emissions, the heat will only get worse—vulnerable people will continue to die," an author of the analysis said.

By Edward Carver

'Visible Signs of Wasting': Heat, Forced Malnutrition Strangle People of Gaza

"Nothing changed," said journalist Bisan Owda. "The Israeli army is still committing the same massacres using starvation in the north and the south."

By Julia Conley

'Fight Goes On to Tax the Rich,' Says Warren After Supreme Court Ruling

"Right-wing billionaires hoped an obscure legal case would blow up the tax code to avoid paying what they owe, but this effort failed," said the Democratic senator after the Moore v. United States decision.

By Jessica Corbett


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■ Opinion

We Can’t Escape the Climate Crisis for the Summer; We Must Face It Head-On All Year

We have to prepare not only for the inevitable climate-related disruptions, but to demand that our elected officials implement climate funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to ensure that we move as quickly as possible to a more livable future.

By Josh Weisman

When US Government Officials Show You Who They Are, Believe Them

With carnage persisting in Gaza, it's easy enough to say that Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown us who he is. But so has President Biden, and so have the most powerful Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

By Norman Solomon

The Supreme Court Has Already Helped Trump Win His Immunity Case

By delaying its opinion until the waning days of its current term, the court will prevent the case from going to trial before the November presidential election.

By Bill Blum

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