Sunday, August 11, 2024

Lindsey Graham STUNNED As Brutal Trump Reality Crashes Down On Fox

The SOUTH CAROLINA MAGA DIMWIT LINDSEY GRAHAM is a WAR MONGER! Look at his YOU TUBE posts - it's all about WAR WITH IRAN! The U.S. has a sordid history with IRAN. MUSLIMS place great emphasis on EDUCATION and if Americans don't know the history, the IRANIAN PEOPLE do! POPPY BUSH, VP CIA DIRECTOR armed IRAN & IRAQ to fight each other - supplied WMD to each nation, WMD for IRAN smuggled through ISRAEL. Each nation had different WMD so the U.S. could identify the origin. The U.S. knew what each nation had because the U.S. provided it. The SOUTH CAROLINA MAGA DIMWIT LINDSEY GRAHAM is a WAR MONGER! Look at his YOU TUBE posts - it's all about WAR WITH IRAN! LENINGRAD LINDSEY GRAHAM introduced a bill before the MAGA MORONS went on vacation to authorize MILITARY ACTION against IRAN. JOHN KERRY negotiated a hard fought agreement with IRAN regarding their nuclear use - there were UN INSPECTORS in IRAN and IRAN was abiding by the agreement. The Orange Turd invaded the People's House, cancelled the agreement to genuflect to ISRAEL.  

The U.S. can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith. 
POMPOUS MIKE POMPEO negotiated with the TALIBAN, excluded the AFGHAN government & released 5,000 TERRORISTS that the AFGHANS had arrested.

How many read: American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery Hardcover – January 26, 2021 by Craig Unger (Author) *THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER** Kompromat n.—Russian for "compromising information" This is a story about the dirty secrets of the most powerful people in the world—including Donald Trump. Based on exclusive interviews with intelligence officers in the CIA, FBI, and the KGB, thousands of pages of FBI investigations, police investigations, and news articles in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. American Kompromat shows that from Trump to Jeffrey Epstein, kompromat was used in operations far more sinister than the public could ever imagine. The book addresses what may be the single most important unanswered question of the entire Trump era: Is Donald Trump a Russian asset? The answer, American Kompromat says, is yes, supporting that conclusion with the first richly detailed narrative on how the KGB allegedly first “spotted” Trump as a potential asset, how it cultivated him, arranged his first trip to Moscow, and pumped him full of KGB talking points. Among its many revelations, American Kompromat reports for the first time that: • According to former KGB major Yuri Shvets, Trump first did business over forty years ago with a Manhattan electronics store co-owned by a Soviet émigré, triggering protocols through which the Soviet spy agency began efforts to cultivate Trump as an asset, launching a decades-long “relationship” of mutual benefit to Russia and Trump, from real estate to real power. • Trump’s 1987 invitation to Moscow was billed as a scouting trip for a hotel, but according to Shvets, was actually initiated by a high-level KGB official. These sorts of trips were usually arranged for "deep development." • Before Trump’s first Moscow trip, he met with Natalia Dubinin, who worked at the United Nations library in a vital position usually reserved as a cover for KGB operatives. • In 1987, according to Shvets, the KGB circulated an internal cable hailing the successful execution of an active measure by a newly cultivated American asset who took out full-page ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe promoting policies promoted by the KGB. The ads had been taken out by Donald Trump, who, Shvets said, would become a “special unofficial contact” for the KGB. In addition to exploring Trump’s ties to the KGB, American Kompromat also reveals: • How Jeffrey Epstein and Trump jostled for influence and financial supremacy for years. Epstein became a millionaire in part with the help of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father—media tycoon Robert Maxwell, who allegedly served as a spy and likely gave Epstein a sum between $10 and $20 million before his death in 1991. • How the Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking operation provided a source and marketplace for sexual kompromat. • How the Epstein-Maxwell ring helped enable young women with possible ties to Russian intelligence to gain access to the highest levels of Silicon Valley and the worlds of artificial intelligence, supercomputers, and the internet. This, at a time when Vladimir Putin has asserted, “Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere [artificial intelligence] will become the ruler of the world.” • How John Mark Dougan, a former deputy sheriff in Mar-a-Lago’s Palm Beach County, says he acquired 478 videos confiscated from the Jeffrey Epstein investigation, fled to Moscow, became only the fourth American to win asylum in Russia, and immediately gained access to Putin’s inner circle, showing the ongoing power that comes from kompromat and how its value is highest before it is “used.”

POMPOUS MIKE POMPEO negotiated with the TALIBAN, excluded the AFGHAN government & released 5,000 TERRORISTS that the AFGHANS had arrested.

Right-Wing Hypocrisy Marathon
by The Damage Report

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