Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Re: Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education


Bumping this up to the top of your inbox again.

Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education.

Sign the petition

If you are interested to know what Project 2025 would do to public education, if enacted, look no further than the recent cuts proposed by House Republicans in their Fiscal Year 2025 budget for the Department of Education, Department of Labor, and Department of Heath and Human Services. From The Missouri Independent:
The cuts to labor, health care and education proposed in a U.S. House Republican bill this week are previews of what would happen to federal agencies under a second Trump term, a key House Democrat said Tuesday.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee, told reporters Tuesday that the major spending cuts in Republicans’ fiscal 2025 proposal to fund the departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education would have significant impacts on workers, families and students.

The bill would cut the Labor Department budget by 22%, the HHS budget by 6%, and the Education Department by 14%.

DeLauro referenced Project 2025, the conservative policy blueprint for a possible second Trump presidency, saying Republicans are already trying to implement the policies through spending bills.
I suppose this isn't actually too surprising. I mean, Republicans cutting social programs in order to pay for additional tax cuts for the well off is not exactly some shocking new trend. However, it also isn't something they cannot deny at this point, and it is something we need to make a lot of noise over so that people know that there are consequences to how they vote in November.

Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education.

Sign the petition

Thank you for your time,
Chris Bowers
Founder, Bowers News Media

Below, you can see an email I sent on this topic earlier in the month

Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education.

Sign the petition

Public education is a cornerstone of our democracy. In order to be an effective citizen, it is vital that every American, no matter their income, be given the knowledge and skills that provide them with the full opportunity to participate in our political, economic and social systems.

As such, it isn't surprising that Republicans are looking to make deep cuts to the federal education budget. From Inside Higher Ed on June 27 of this year:
House Republicans want to keep funding flat for the Pell Grant program and the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights in fiscal year 2025 while slashing the budget for the Office of Federal Student Aid. Those are among other cuts rolled out in a spending plan released Wednesday.

While President Biden requested $3.3 billion more for the Education Department’s overall budget, the House Republican plan would give the agency $11 billion less than what it received in the current fiscal year.(...)

The draft bill text is light on specifics about how exactly Republicans would dole out $72 billion in discretionary funds for the Education Department—and doesn’t go into detail on programmatic cuts they’ll call for. A budget summary says the legislation eliminates 17 programs (...)

Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education.

Sign the petition

Some more detail on the proposed Republican cuts to education funding comes from our action partners at Civic Shout:
The bill would cut mental health support in schools, funding for English Language Acquisition, teacher training opportunities, as well as target programs aimed at helping students access higher education.
This is not a hypothetical fight over theoretical proposals. This is an actual spending bill that House Republicans are putting together. It will form the basis of their negotiations with President Biden and congressional Democrats over the federal education budget for 2025 fiscal year.

I know that there is a lot happening right now, but this is not something we can let slip by under the radar. Electing Republicans means cutting funding for public education, and people need to know that.

Sign the petition denouncing Republican attacks on public education.

Sign the petition

Thank you for your time,
Chris Bowers
Founder, Bowers News Media

Bowers News Media is a one-person grassroots activism email list, run by me, Chris Bowers, a 20-year veteran of online progressive politics at Daily Kos, Open Left and MyDD. I write all of the emails myself, in an honest, measured, personal voice, citing all of my sources and avoiding exaggeration. I aim to bring you the most efficient activism operation around, almost entirely free of overhead, and to always remain accessible to you by reading every single email you send me (and replying to most of them).

Wolves and Sheep is a Substack run by Matthew Kerbel, a political science professor of over 30 years at Villanova University. Matt brings you timely, outside the beltway analysis of our national politics, informed by history and social science, to you help you make sense of what often feels like an out of control moment in history.

Together, we run the Bowers Kerbel Media collaboration, a joint effort between Bowers News Media and Wolves and Sheep. Matt and I are old friends, and even wrote a book together about a decade ago. You can support our work by becoming a paid subscriber either to Wolves and Sheep on Substack or to Bowers News Media through an $8 monthly contribution on Act Blue. Paid subscribers receive an invite to a weekly political briefing that Matt and I host on Thursdays, a weekly memo from me about being a better activist on Tuesdays, and an extra article a week from Matt on Fridays.

Bowers News Media, 620 Park Avenue #402, Rochester, NY 14607. For more information, visit our website at or email Chris Bowers directly at 

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