Wednesday, July 31, 2024

400,000 children can be lifted out of poverty


On Thursday, the Senate is expected to vote to take up the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act (H.R. 7024)―the tax package that includes an expanded Child Tax Credit. While this expanded tax credit is less robust than the one passed in 2021, it will increase the Child Tax Credit for 80% of low-income families who do not currently receive the full credit. It would lift 400,000 children out of poverty immediately, rising to 500,000 above the poverty line in 2025.1 We need to build on the overwhelming (357-70) vote in the House to get this passed in the Senate.2

We’re joining our coalition partners in this critical day of action to call our Senators and urge them to pass this legislation immediately. But in order for this bill to proceed, it needs 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. That means we need to be directing calls to Democrats and Republicans alike!

Call your Senators today at 202-224-3121 and tell them to support low-income families with children by expanding the Child Tax Credit ASAP!

Calling is easy―and it’s very important.

[Don’t remember your senators’ names? The Capitol Switchboard operator will tell you and then connect you directly.]

We’ve provided a suggested call script below to help with your call.

Once you’ve called one of your senators, then call the other―they both need to hear loud and clear from you! And if your family benefited from the expanded Child Tax Credit or does now, share your story (along with the number of children in your state who would benefit) to have an even bigger impact.

Poverty is a policy choice, not an inevitability. This investment in some of our nation’s most vulnerable children will have positive effects on families today and for generations to come. Thank you for making your voice heard on this issue!

If you can, please donate today to power our campaign to expand the Child Tax Credit, and then keep fighting tomorrow for even stronger investments in families with low incomes.


Thank you for all you do,

Deborah Weinstein
Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs

1 Reported Proposal to Expand Child Tax Credit Would Lift as Many as 400,000 Children Above the Poverty Line
2 Roll Call 30 | Bill Number: H. R. 7024

Coalition on Human Needs
1825 K Street NW, Suite 411
Washington, DC 20006
Paid for by the Coalition on Human Needs

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