Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Who's responsible for 371 million pounds of dangerous pollutants?!

Chickens in a crowded factory farm with the Union of Concerned Scientists logo overlaid.

Support science-based advocacy and protect our communities from corporate pollution.



New Finding: In just five years, Tyson Foods—the nation's largest meat and poultry producer—released more than 371 million pounds of pollutants such as animal feces and e-coli into waterways.

To make matters worse, our latest report, Waste Deep: How Tyson Foods Pollutes US Waterways and Which States Bear the Brunt, reveals that almost 75 percent of Tyson's water-polluting facilities are located within a mile of low-income or other vulnerable communities—continuing the cycle of environmental injustice and racism imposed by Big Agriculture.1

Tyson is just one of a handful of Big Agricultural corporations that have hijacked the US food and farm system. They dominate agriculture policy, pollute our environment, subsidize the production of unhealthy foods, and put food workers and farmworkers in harm's way—all to make more money.

Thanks to your support our scientists and experts are actively spearheading change, diligently working on essential research to pave the way for policy initiatives aimed at reclaiming our control over our food system.

Our most recent scientific analysis underscores the urgent need to reclaim control of our agricultural system from Tyson Foods and Big Ag corporations. Lawmakers must urgently take action by:

  • Updating pollution standards based on current science-based findings.

  • Strengthening enforcement of pollutant discharge limits.

  • Addressing the concentration of pollution in communities already overburdened by pollution.

  • Taking urgent steps to rein in corporate consolidation in our food system.

We must take back our food system, Antonio. The future of our planet and communities depends on it. Your support powers our science-based research and advocacy for transformative policies.

Make a special gift today >>

Thank you,

Betty Ahrens
Campaign Manager, Food & Environment Program
Union of Concerned Scientists


Science for a healthy planet and safer world

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