Tuesday, February 13, 2024



New Analysis Blows Hole in 'Good Guy With a Gun' Myth

"In untangling the myth of defensive gun use, one thing is abundantly clear: If safety is the goal, guns are not the answer."


Israel’s Gaza Campaign Is the Gravest Moral Crisis of Our Time

The crisis in Gaza shows those nations that should be defending international law and humanitarian values to be openly betraying their commitments.

Speaking Hopefully for Democracy's Future

Not everyone is willing and open to dialogue, but we can remain hopeful that enough are democratically inclined to build community and hold authoritarianism in check.

Will Egypt Ditch Camp David Accords If Israel Invades Rafah?

A peace treaty that has been the cornerstone of Egyptian-Israeli relations for nearly half a century could be about to crack wide open.

How the CIA Destabilizes the World

If only the CIA’s rogue operations had been consigned to history as a result of the crimes exposed by the Church Committee, or at the least had brought the CIA under the rule of law and public accountability. But that was not to be.

Defend Public Libraries or Die Trying

The library serves us all without fail.


The International Community Is Killing Palestinians Through Useless Debate

Are priorities so misplaced that world leaders cannot articulate the necessity of a permanent cease-fire as the way to alleviate the Palestinian people's suffering?


The Border Convoy Was a Green Light for Political Violence

The bigotry and violence that stemmed from the border convoy represents a terrifying snapshot of what anti-democracy forces want America to look like.

'Save One Life, Save the World': International Law, Selective Compassion. and Refugee Children

We are witnessing today, on an unprecedented scale—on almost every continent—the displacement of hundreds of thousands of children due to war, violence, and extreme poverty, but international law and simple human compassion seem to apply selectively.

This Black History Month—and Beyond—We Must Fight for the Right to Learn

Together, we have the power to stop the censors who want to whitewash our history and deprive kids of facts and stories that help them to understand our world.


The Commemoration of the Criminal Bravo H-Bomb Test Is a Cry for a Nuclear Free World

We will be reminding the world of the Hibakusha truth that “human beings and nuclear weapons cannot coexist.”

What Biden Should Say When He Finally Visits East Palestine

He needs to not only empathize with residents who feel disrespected by his prolonged absence but also attack Norfolk Southern for causing so much pain by prioritizing profits over people.


Biden’s Unqualified Aid to Israel Could Hand Trump the Presidency

Nearly $10 billion more in unconditional military aid to Israel will only demonstrate America and Biden’s lack of concern for Palestinians and will threaten Biden’s reelection.


The Supreme Court Won't Save Us From Trump So We'll Have to Beat Him at the Ballot—Again

The simple reality is that the future of American democracy is as much on the line in the case against Trump as it was in 1866. That was completely lost in Thursday’s arguments: it should have been central to them.

Firing of Top General Speaks to Desperation Within Ukraine's Ranks

The Ukrainian government and much of the establishment has however nailed itself to the principle that the only acceptable outcome is complete Russian withdrawal. It has become increasingly hard to see how the Ukrainian military can achieve that result.

Bernie Sanders Understands How Oligarchy Stands in the Way of Human Progress

When powerful and wealthy elites are at the crux of so many of humanity's biggest problems, targeting the oligarchs—and the conditions that create and sustain them—must be at the crux of our efforts to solve those problems.


CNN's Biased Reporting on Israel-Palestine Is the Rule, Not the Exception

This problem very much infects not just the popular press but the so-called serious, "liberal" media too.

US Bombs Yemen After Years of Undermining Democracy in Yemen and Destabilizing... Yemen

Latest targeting of Houthis only adds to the suffering of Yemenis from years of bombing and civil war.

Clarence Thomas Has No Shame. But You Knew That.

Not recusing in a case such as this is unprecedented. It’s wrong. And it’s an appalling testament to how corrupted, how political, and how morally bankrupt the Roberts Court really is.

A Prescription for Peace in Gaza

We urge the Biden administration to utilize its leverage and present a clear framework to end the violence and suffering.


Worried About the Climate Crisis? Just Start Doing Something

No matter where you are on the political spectrum, there is a group for you.

The Republican Party and Their Billionaire Backers’ Plot Against America

The GOP’s bet is that if they can keep things broken and bad enough long enough, then people will demand a dictator “who can get things done.”


On Turning 80 in the Age of Biden and Trump

Who would believe me decades ago if I tried to explain to them where the United States now finds itself. On the precipice of American fascism, it's as hard to look back as it is to look forward.

Less Than 100,000 Swing-State Voters Could Decide the 2024 Election

Hang on, folks. It's going to be a bumpy and unpleasant ride.


Social Security Threatened by Nikki Haley and Her GOP Friends

Fewer than 10% of anybody polled in the last four decades agreed with Nikki Haley that we spend too much on Social Security.

It’s Time To Take A Bite Out Of Apple’s Monopoly

By launching a strong antitrust suit that tackles Apple’s offenses on all fronts, the DOJ will take a meaningful step towards ensuring real corporate accountability.


Who Will Fight to Make the Rich Pay Their Fair Share Into Social Security?

Since the majority of Americans want more revenue to strengthen it, why shouldn’t the small fraction of the highest-income Americans, especially the top 200 or so, pay more instead of raising the retirement age for young people?


Many Jews and Jewish Organizations Recognized the Dangers of Zionism. They Were Right

The American Jewish Committee, going back to 1917 in the United States, expressed grave warnings that a Jewish state could oppress non-Jews in Palestine.

ALEC's Billionaire-Backed Ploy to Recruit the Next Generation of Right-Wingers

A new “strategic partnership” with ALEC Action is aimed not just at expanding ALEC’s bench of state legislators, but also at grooming young conservatives to win local elections nationwide.

We Ignore the Ongoing Collapse of American Democracy at Our Peril

Fascism can happen here and we know this because it is happening here. And unless more people wake up and fight back, it will be too late.


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