Wednesday, November 18, 2020

RSN: FOCUS | Michael Moore: Democrats Need to Stop Acting Like Diet Republicans



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FOCUS | Michael Moore: Democrats Need to Stop Acting Like Diet Republicans
Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: Sacha Lecca)
E. Alex Jung, Vulture
Jung writes: "We discussed why the Democrats won, the case for packing the Supreme Court, and where progressives go from here."


What do you think is going to happen in terms of a transition of power?

Oh my God. Well, we’re in a very dangerous zone here. Because the words lame and duck feel quite appropriate for Donald Trump. He will not like that. And his behavior this week has been unhinged. I hate the fact that that soldier is still around him carrying the briefcase with the nuclear codes. But I’m also convinced that generals have never put the actual nuclear codes in that briefcase. And somebody will write a book someday about the Trump presidency and they will reveal that the codes were never in there. It was just a number for takeout pizza or something.

I think we have to be on guard. The press has to do its job. Don’t relax because we’re all kind of relieved. Don’t not pay attention to what’s going on. If he continues to be more unhinged, then we’ll have to consider the 25th amendment. Maybe some of the Republicans in the Senate would actually consider impeachment just to get him out of there.

Biden himself is a fairly centrist candidate. I understand we may have averted the worst-case scenario, but do you also think that maybe we’re just kicking the can down the road?

Well, I feel in some ways our job is going to be harder now. If Trump were to have won, the easy part of the job being in the opposition is that the enemy is clearly identified, because he identifies himself as the enemy. You don’t have to do anything to convince people that he’s a bigot, that he’s a misogynist. He’s self-identified as all those things.

People are like, “I can’t believe this.” After four years of him behaving like this, you still can’t believe it. You should have been believing him a long time ago. This is my bone I’ve had to pick with New Yorkers for some time now. People in New York knew Donald Trump for decades. He was foisted upon the rest of us who did not know him — who only knew him from a reality show. New Yorkers knew for four decades that he was this aspiring psychopath, and did nothing to stop him. He got away with everything. Never went to jail. Lied and lied and lied. They called him “the Donald.” He didn’t give himself that nickname.

Honest to God, a fraud like Trump in Detroit, you never would have even heard of him nation-wide. He would have been taken care of. And I don’t mean floating in the Detroit River. I just mean it would have been dealt with.


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