Saturday, August 15, 2020

Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut’s 2nd District abruptly drops out following his domestic violence arrest late Monday; arrest warrant details alleged assault of ex-girlfriend

A classic from satirist Andy Borowitz this week! Tom
"In a rare instance of praising one of his White House predecessors, Donald J. Trump on Tuesday hailed Woodrow Wilson for opposing efforts to institute online learning during the 1918 pandemic.
“There were a lot of crybabies in 1918 saying, ‘The schools aren’t safe—let the kids learn on their computers,’ ” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Woody wouldn’t hear of it.”
"Instead, Trump said, “Kids went to school and the influenza just kind of disappeared eventually. Woody did a fantastic job.”
"Trump added that, during the 1918 pandemic, “The hallways of schools were jammed with kids. I wish one of those kids had taken a picture with his phone so we could see it today.”
"Wilson’s opposition to online learning inspired Trump to demand in-person schooling for all American children, he revealed.
“It’s important for them to be in school so they can be as knowledgeable about history as I am,” he said. “The pandemic of 1918 was one of the main causes of the War of 1812.”

Trump Praises Woodrow Wilson for Opposing Online Learning During 1918 Pandemic

Another horrible human.
“A portion of the assault was captured on video and, according to the warrant, shows Gilmer “punch the victim in the face and jump on top of her as she falls to the ground. Gilmer then attempts to choke the victim, followed by multiple closed-fist punches to the victim’s face. Gilmer then takes off his T-shirt in the middle of the assault, and places the victim into a rear choke hold.”

A Republican running for Congress in Connecticut’s 2nd District abruptly dropped his bid on the day of the primary following his arrest on domestic violence charges.

Thomas Gilmer, 29, of Madison was arrested by Wethersfield police late Monday and posted $5,000 bail. He was arraigned Tuesday in Superior Court in New Britain on charges of first-degree unlawful restraint and second-degree strangulation.

A Republican running for Congress in Connecticut’s 2nd District abruptly dropped his bid on the day of the primary following his arrest on domestic violence charges.

Thomas Gilmer, 29, of Madison was arrested by Wethersfield police late Monday and posted $5,000 bail. He was arraigned Tuesday in Superior Court in New Britain on charges of first-degree unlawful restraint and second-degree strangulation.

It is unclear what will happen if Gilmer, the party-endorsed candidate, wins the primary. Thousands of absentee ballots had already been cast, and results were still being tabulated Tuesday night — a process that is expected to stretch into Friday given a two-day extension for late-arriving ballots sent by mail.

The charges stem from a violent altercation with Gilmer’s former girlfriend that occurred in 2017, according to the warrant for his arrest. A portion of the assault was captured on video and, according to the warrant, shows Gilmer “punch the victim in the face and jump on top of her as she falls to the ground. Gilmer then attempts to choke the victim, followed by multiple closed-fist punches to the victim’s face. Gilmer then takes off his T-shirt in the middle of the assault, and places the victim into a rear choke hold.”

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