Friday, June 5, 2020


Worth reading!

WE have much to change!

PAY DAY LOANS are nothing more than legal loan sharking....

"....If you have read this far I will give you my courteous close;
This is a legal trap to criminalize and loot poor and minority people.
Actually I do want to talk about "looting", lets start right here. We'll go onto Red Lining, sub-prime loans, payday loans the list of how the connected and rich steal from the poor, black and brown is endless..."

Nathaniel Phillips
Here's is a 2 part story for you. Part 1:
One hot summer evening around 6:30pm I was leaving work and heading home. I went down into the subway and hopped on the #1 southbound. As soon as I got in the subway car it was hot as hell, the AC was not working, so I walked thru the door to the next car. Relieved it was cooled, I sat down.
The train pulled out the station and moved toward its next stop, 59th Street Columbus Circle. At Columbus Circle the doors opened, but didn't seem to close, I looked up and saw a plain clothed man looking directly at me and another man was walking on the platform. He hurriedly approached me and said "NYPD you have to come with us!" I responded "For what, by the look on your face did I commit a federal crime?", "No, you created a hazardous condition by walking through the doors, that's illegal". The other officer signaled to the conductor to hold open the doors so we could exit.
Once on the platform and handed them my driver's license and said "As you know, because you came through the other car, it was scorching in there, I have asthma" He said, "Hey you broke the law." Then things got interesting.
Holding my driver's license up he said" How do I say your name?" I looked at him oddly and replied "It's said like it is written" "I guess you don't understand I asked you how do you say your name?" , I replied "I guess you didn't understand me it's said as it is written on that New York State license with the holograph"
The second cop decided to deescalate the tension, grabbed the license from his partner and said to him "Its Nathaniel Phillips" Mind you this is still rush hour, subways are pulling in every 3 minutes and hundreds of people are walking around us.
At one point I put my hand in my pocket took and transferred my cellphone to my breast pocket. Telling them I am recording this whole operation. They were not happy, but with literally hundreds of people walking by, their options were limited. They ran my license, 15 minutes later it came back clean, so they wrote out my ticket explaining when and where my court date. Officer "How do I say your name" handed me the ticket and finally asked "Do you have any questions?" my response "Yes, how do I say your name?"
The ticket directed me to the "Transit Adjudication Court" in Brooklyn. When I arrived there is huge waiting room with about 250 seats. You sign in and wait to be called. I was ready to face my accusers. While sitting there I noticed every single person waiting to be called was black, Latin or South East Asian. I asked several men, what was their ticket for. One brother said he was on the #6 Pelham Bay at 4 in the morning, he had his lunch bag on the seat next to him, so he got a ticket for occupying more than 1 seat. A South East Asian man got a ticket because he swiped his Metrocard twice, he took it out, smoothed the magnetic strip with his fingers, then he got a ticket for impeding traffic at the fare turnstile. Another got a ticket again at 4 in the morning for spread his legs widely, taking up 2 seats on an empty train. Nobody was a fare beater, all these odd esoteric infractions.
I was called to see the judge, she told me the officers are not present, for cases in the Transit Adjudication Court you just tell your story and she decides. I started to tell my story and she stopped me. She said she had to leave the room to check something, then she came back. "Case dismissed", she reported the officers had not written the ticket location. No location, invalid ticket.
I went back into the waiting room and made a few observations. It was all racial, people of color were defendants, white people worked there as judges, office staff or defense lawyers. Plain and simple. What is extraordinary about NYC Subways is everyone takes the subway. If the tickets were random, every ethnicity should have been in that Court. They knew this ticket was invalid before I got there, but I had to go in and miss a day of work for an invalid ticket.
After I got home I looked up the history of the Transit Adjudication Court. It was set up the Giuliani Administration to take tickets on the buses and subways out of the regular criminal court where people could demand for example a jury trail. They set up this court then set up a whole number of new laws, new infractions people could be ticketed for. The ticket I was given, I could have just sent in $75 and admit guilt. But here's the rub. If you don't appear now its criminal again. A bench warrant will be issued for your arrest. Fines and court fees take the $75 ticket up to several hundred dollars.
If you have read this far I will give you my courteous close;
This is a legal trap to criminalize and loot poor and minority people.
Actually I do want to talk about "looting", lets start right here. We'll go onto Red Lining, sub-prime loans, payday loans the list of how the connected and rich steal from the poor, black and brown is endless.
If you do the financial forensics, more money has been made off the backs of black Americans since 1865 then before when as Americans we were owned by other Americans.
Its a plain as day but white media will not talk about this.

Some people SHOULD NOT have weapons!
Be thankful for cell phone videos!


Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'AOC SLAMS NY State Judge Breaking: NYS Judge James Burke rules now keep anyone (peaceful protestors arrested for curfew and criminal looters) detained hours given these are extraordinary times. "It's acrisis within a crisis" he writs are denied" -@BryanLlenas Civil liberties protect ourselves from governments using "crises" "emergencies" as justification to dismantle our rights This is suspension of habeus corpus, itis it unconstitutional, is deeply disturbing that both NYPD is seeking and a judge rubber stamped it. Alexandria Cortez @AOC DemSoc Opinion'


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