"As briefs from a broad range of people, experts, and legal scholars show, President Biden's debt relief plan for student loan borrowers is legal, necessary, and appropriate," said one campaigner.
"This first-in-the-nation law should set the standard for every other state where crypto miners are coming in, extracting resources, and wreaking havoc," said one campaigner. "Thank you, Gov. Hochul, for setting a precedent for the rest of the country."
"The same wealthy rail industry executives that say they can't afford to pay their workers fair wages all had banner years in net revenue and shareholder giveaways."
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Manchin's bill would severely erode community input, advance inadequate environmental analysis, and eliminate judicial relief for those most harmed by inadequately reviewed and/or illegal permitting by state or federal agencies.
Only strong unions will fight for the teaching profession—and the children our educators cherish and serve—against the hostility of bombastic fools like Pompeo.
These 8 winning campaign messages and tactics will generate news for the Warnock campaign, enliven the campaign workers, and come to the attention of more of nearly half of the voters planning to stay home.
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