"We will not stop telling the truth about the Thanksgiving story and what happened to our ancestors," says Kisha James, whose grandfather founded the National Day of Mourning in 1970.
"Widening gaps in immunization coverage are letting measles—the most contagious yet vaccine-preventable killer disease—spread and cause illness and death," said one expert.
Quality journalism. Progressive values. Our new media model is simple: we rely on our readers and thousands of small donations to keep us moving forward. No ads; no paywalls: our content is free, and our readers sustain us.
We face a momentous choice of whether to pursue a food future rooted in the ethic of sustainable agriCULTURE—or one based on the exploitative ethic of agriINDUSTRY.
Through our Social Security system, we protect ourselves, our families, and our communities against the devastating loss of wages in the event of retirement, disability, or death.
We can't stop tolerating hate until we realign ourselves with what it means to be alive, for which South Africans have a term: ubuntu: "I am because you are."
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