Wednesday, May 18, 2022

TOP NEWS: 'We Have to Flip This Seat': After Primary Win, Fetterman Shifts Focus to Beating GOP


May 18, 2022
Top News

Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz joins former President Donald Trump on stage during a campaign at the Westmoreland County Fairgrounds on May 6, 2022 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
PA Primary Is Too Close to Call, But Trump Says 'Dr. Oz Should Declare Victory' Anyway
"This is why we keep saying Trump is a clear and present danger to democracy."
by Kenny Stancil

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman speaks at an event
'We Have to Flip This Seat': After Senate Primary Win, Fetterman Shifts Focus to Beating GOP
"This is the most important race in the country," said Democratic U.S. Senate nominee John Fetterman. "Control of the Senate is going to come down to Pennsylvania."
by Jake Johnson

Ocean Rebellion staged a theatrical action with a Boris Johnson head and an
Urging Renewable Transition, UN Chief Says Humanity Set to 'Incinerate Our Only Home'
"If we act together, the renewable energy transformation can be the peace project of the 21st century," said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres.
by Andrea Germanos
More Top News
US Military Clears Itself of Blame in Syria Strike That Killed 'Piles' of Women and Children
Big Wins, Tough Losses in Key Progressive Primary Fights
Progressive Summer Lee Declares Victory With Slim Margin in PA Primary
'Entirely Reckless': Critics Blast EU Plan to Boost Gas Infrastructure
'A Slap in the Face to Voters': Kansas Supreme Court Upholds GOP Map
Sanders Applauds Denton, Texas for Passing 100th Local Resolution Backing Medicare for All
'Major Milestone' as Rhode Island Expands Voting Rights
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Our Moral Duty to Rethink 'The Common Defense'
If we continue to live by the bastardized meaning and practice of endless wars and escalating Pentagon budgets, we will get what we pay for, militarized domestic and foreign policies and a society in deepening decay.
by Kevin Martin

The Energy and Food Crisis Is Far Worse Than Most Americans Realize
Whenever there's an energy crisis, it can quickly become an everything crisis.
by Richard Heinberg

The Nobody: Name the Plague, Not the Murderer in Buffalo
The biggest problem with naming this nobody is that it will attract others like him, people who sense their own non-existence and want to affirm themselves by seeing their names in print or their picture on television.
by Richard Eskow

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