Tuesday, May 10, 2022

TOP NEWS: 'Our House Is Truly on Fire': Earth Now Has 50% Chance of Hitting 1.5°C of Warming by 2026


May 10, 2022
Top News

Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh appear at a ceremony
New Warren-Jayapal Bill Takes Aim at Supreme Court 'Corruption'
"We can no longer stand by while our judges and justices take advantage of our system to build wealth and power at the expense of our country's most marginalized," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
by Jake Johnson

Protesters march to Justice Brett Kavanaugh's house
Senate Dems Won't Protect Abortion Rights, But Vote Unanimously to Protect Justices From Protests
"It's remarkable how quickly the Senate has acted to protect the privacy and safety of five justices," said one critic. "It's something senators are unwilling to do for millions of women."
by Julia Conley

'Our House Is Truly on Fire': Earth Now Has 50% Chance of Hitting 1.5°C of Warming by 2026
"The 1.5°C figure is not some random statistic," said the head of the World Meteorological Organization. "It is rather an indicator of the point at which climate impacts will become increasingly harmful for people and indeed the entire planet."
by Jake Johnson
More Top News
• Campaign Targets 'Toxic' Bond Market for Bankrolling Fossil Fuel Expansion
• Marcos' Apparent Win in Philippines Election Bodes Ominously for Human Rights: Amnesty
• Sanders to Hold Budget Committee Hearing on Medicare for All
• Critics Say 'Iron-Grip on Market' by Monopolies Behind Baby Formula Shortage
• 50+ Groups Challenge Biden to Rein In 'Climate-Killing Cryptomining'
• Critics Say Musk Lifting Trump Twitter Ban Would Assist 'Authoritarian Crusade'
• Susan Collins Calls Cops Over Sidewalk Chalk Message Asking Her to Support Abortion Rights
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Bernie Sanders with students
$1,896,944,109,232: Time to Hit Reset on Student Debt. All of It.
In the richest country in the history of the world, it is absurd, to say the least, that we have sentenced an entire generation to a lifetime of debt simply for doing what was expected of them — getting a college education.
by Bernie Sanders

Bank of America sign in New York City
Here's How to Spot Wall Street's Increasingly Infuriating Greenwashing
How do you know it's greenwashing? Easy. They are not talking about ending their support for the fossil fuel companies and other polluting industries.
by Alec Connon

People marching against police violence
Criminal Justice Reform Isn't Failing, It's Just Unfinished
We need to talk about the positive actions that complement criminal justice reform. And we need to speak loudly and proudly the vision we have and the solutions we know work.
by Shane Murphy Goldsmith

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