Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Kristin Urquiza


Dear MoveOn member,

I have been in quarantine ever since I found out I may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus by Donald Trump, his family, and his staff, at the first presidential debate. I have had to confront the reality of the coronavirus both in attending the debate and in my own personal life with the passing of my father, and it’s the continued negligence and heedlessness of the GOP that has left me and my loved ones in this predicament.

My father is one of the 210,000 people who has died because of Donald Trump and the GOP’s improper handling of the coronavirus pandemic. I refuse to allow these people to continue to be so thoughtless and negligent with people’s lives.

I know firsthand how dangerous this virus is, and I am certain that anyone who has been exposed to it must follow CDC guidelines for quarantining and tracing. In fact, in just the past two weeks, Utah Senator Mike Lee, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis have all tested positive.1

And yet, instead of prioritizing the health of senators, staff, and employees at the Capitol, Mitch McConnell and GOP senators are pushing forward with hearings on the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett without any required testing. This is all during a potential COVID-19 outbreak in the Senate during a global pandemic. This is simply unacceptable. 

Sign this petition demanding that Mitch McConnell and the Senate follow all CDC guidelines of immediate testing, tracing, and quarantine measures for all senators and those who work around them.

The Senate is showing a complete disregard for human health by refusing to require regular testing of all members, their staff, and those who work in congressional buildings—and they’re refusing such an obvious and basic safety measure because they know there’s a good chance more of them are going to test positive for COVID-19.

Sign this petition demanding immediate testing, tracing, and quarantine measures that are in strict accordance with CDC guidelines for all senators and those who work around them.

In addition to three Senators testing positive for the coronavirus, more than 30 senators attended meetings, fundraisers, and massive rallies without masks, and it is glaringly obvious that COVID-19 is spreading among the White House and Republican political community. We cannot risk more lives in the ruthless pursuit of political power.

The priority for the GOP should be to minimize and contain the impact of a White House and Senate COVID-19 outbreak, rather than using this moment to push forward a power grab for the Supreme Court ahead of Election Day.

Mitch McConnell and the Senate must investigate the scope of the outbreak and protect the health and safety of government officials, their staff and constituents, and the country as a whole.

While anyone can be susceptible to infection, the disregard for masks and distancing by Republican leaders has intensified the spread and put their ability to govern at risk. Schools, businesses, and communities across the country are taking greater precautions to try to confront this pandemic, and the Senate must do the same.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends


—Kristin Urquiza, Marked By COVID


1. "How The Coronavirus Has Affected Individual Members of Congress," NPR, October 12, 2020

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