Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett's disastrous record on gun safety


David Cicilline's Gun Safety PAC
Rep. David Cicilline's Gun Safety Political Action Committee (PAC) is the only congressional leadership PAC dedicated to ending gun violence. It will identify and support candidates who will vote for and pass gun safety legislation that will put an end to the crisis of gun violence in America. We hope you’ll stick around to learn more and support our mission. 

Hearings got underway this week on Donald Trump’s nominee to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.

It’s no surprise: Amy Coney Barrett’s record is terrible on Second Amendment issues. In fact, some have said she may be willing “to go farther on guns than Scalia.”

This is a full-scale EMERGENCY for our gun safety movement. Will you rush a donation to help elect candidates to Congress who are 100% committed to ending gun violence so we can secure a gun safety majority no matter WHO is on the Supreme Court!


Last year, Judge Barrett authored an alarming dissent that largely ignored any questions of public safety and argued that those convicted of felonies should be allowed to possess guns.

Courts have consistently upheld bans on felon possession of firearms. Antonin Scalia himself, a former mentor of Barrett’s, wrote that District of Columbia v. Heller, which recognized the right of individuals to possess firearms, “should not be taken to cast doubt on long-standing prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons.”

But Judge Barrett dissented anyway, claiming that the majority treated the Second Amendment as a “second-class right.”

There is no doubt that with a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court, the gun lobby will jump at the chance to have their cases heard. Cases about the carrying of guns in public, assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, the purchase and possession of guns by young people, and possession of guns by domestic abusers could all come before the Supreme Court in the near future.

We have to fight back, now. And that starts with securing a majority in Congress willing to act to save lives immediately. Rush an urgent donation to support gun safety candidates, expand our House Majority, flip the Senate, and save the Supreme Court!

Thank you,

– Gun Safety PAC


Democrat David Cicilline proudly represents Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District. An a leader on the issue of gun violence prevention, Rep. Cicilline founded Gun Safety PAC to support fellow candidates dedicated to ending the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. 

Paid for by The Cicilline Committee
The Cicilline Committee
P.O. Box 9107
Providence RI, 02940

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