Sunday, March 22, 2020


The World Health Organization specifically warns against naming infectious diseases for locations or people to guard against stigmatization. That doesn't matter to Trump and his Republican lackeys, who have begun referring to the coronavirus as the "Chinese virus". And today Senator John Cornyn went even further when he made a series of disgusting remarks regarding the origins of the outbreak, claiming that "China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people". He went on to claim that the swine flu and MERS virus originated in China because of this "culture".
Just so we're all clear: In the middle of a global pandemic, a sitting senator is scapegoating an entire country and peddling racist lies that could very well lead to hate crimes. To be even clearer: Swine flu originated right here in the United States and MERS was first detected in Jordan, but facts have never mattered to the GOP. Instead of working to protect the American people, Trump and Republicans are doubling down on their racist dogwhistles right in the middle of an unprecedented global crisis. The levels these people will sink to never ceases to shock me.
By the way, John Cornyn is up for re-election in November.


Jeffrey Thomson
Reposting this comment I made a couple days (years?) ago on a separate thread because it’s really vital to have the record clear now that Trump & His Mafioso are trying to rewrite history:
A very long answer, but, ——, you say I hate Trump and ask why can’t I just get behind him in this time of crisis. Well, I do hate him. That’s true. I hate him because he is a bully and a racist. I hate him because he is a sexual predator and a probable rapist. I hate him because he is a criminal, a fraud and a conman (both in-office and out). I hate him because he hires white nationalists.
(BTW, I am not debating any of the above. These are all documented and the facts to demonstrate them are readily available.)
But those facts are NOT why I cannot get behind him in this case.
I cannot get behind in the case of COVID-19, because you are wrong. This is not a new and novel situation. It was expected. We have had disease outbreaks before and had a system designed to identify, track and deal with emerging diseases in 39 countries, including China, and Trump disbanded that system in 2018. He left the country blind and unprepared. (When asked about this decision, he said it was a nasty question—for him that’s a tell; when he says that, means he’s been caught and has no way to defend or deflect.)
I cannot get behind him because he is a sociopathic narcissist who wanted to keep American citizens (including a woman needing chemo) on a cruise ship instead of allowing them access to hospital so “his” numbers wouldn’t increase.
I cannot get behind him because he stopped testing in Washington State—literally made medical officials stop testing people—for the same reason; he didn’t want “his” numbers to go up.
I cannot get behind him because he refused the WHO’s working test for the virus in early February (after 60 other countries had already used it) and insisted on a CDC model that failed.
I cannot get behind him because he lied repeatedly about the severity of the problem. And about his team’s (false) successes in containment. And feels no whiplash from this logically inconsistent position.
I cannot get behind him because he refused to take the disease seriously when there was still time to get ahead of it the way South Korea has. The way other countries have.
It was when he was asked about all these testing failures and mistakes that put us behind the curve and put people’s lives at risk, that’s when he said, “I take no responsibility at all.”
I cannot get behind him because he called this disease a hoax (the same way you did when you posted on my page last week that this was all a “deepstate” plot.)
I cannot get behind him because he tried to bribe German scientists into giving him exclusive rights to the Covid-19 vaccine they were working on developing. He wanted it “for the US only.”
I cannot get behind him because he—as always—makes this about him. Just the same way you are doing with this question. As if, somehow, my critique of Trump makes him the victim here. (This is a constant refrain of the Trump cult—"oh my stars, how can people be so mean to our innocent, noble and glorious leader?)
You are right that Trump is not the cause of COVID-19, but, most of the country—indeed, the world—can see Trump for what he is. He is an unprepared “fucking moron” (in the words of his former Secretary of State). He is a functionally illiterate, science-denying narcissist who is unequipped to deal with this massive and complicated problem. He has already acted in multiple ways that will make this tragedy worse. He has failed again and again and those failures will cost some people their lives.
We need you to open your eyes and join us in the world of fact. The hardest truth to admit is the truth that you have been conned, that you have been played. But that’s where you are right now. You need to admit that this notorious fraud and conman has taken advantage of you. I hope you can one day.
Be safe.

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'we're going to run the hillary campaign again but this time with an old man, and here's the twist, he's riddled with dementia BIDEN PRES SIDENT'


By Ben Kamisar
WASHINGTON — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday sharply criticized President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that the federal government has not done enough to ramp up production of life-saving medical supplies like masks and ventilators and asking the president to deploy the military across the country to help in the public-health crisis.
“The president of the United States is from New York City and he will not lift a finger to help his hometown, and I don’t get it," de Blasio said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
"I don’t get it. Right now, I have asked repeatedly for the military to be mobilized, for the Defense Production Act to be used to its fullest to get us things like ventilators, so people can live who would die otherwise," he continued. “If the president doesn’t act, people will die who could have lived otherwise — senior citizens, folks who are members of families.”
De Blasio, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, said the president should order all military personnel with medical training to deploy to hot spots in America and to help the country ferry ventilators to them.
“Why are they at their bases? Why are they not being allowed to serve? I guarantee you they are ready to serve, but the president has to give the order,” he said.
The comments sparked a back-and-forth with Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, a Republican, who said that looking backward is not productive.
“I don’t think just talking about what was done wrong yesterday or last week or last year is really that helpful in the discussion,” Hogan said.
“We are getting some progress. Now, it’s not nearly enough, it’s not fast enough, we’re way behind the curve,” he said, adding that the unified effort is making progress on getting respirators, masks and tests.
De Blasio countered that “it’s not about blaming people for what happened in the past,” but said he’s trying to sound the alarm on ways he feels the response has been inadequate.
He specifically pointed to the Defense Production Act, a federal law that allows the federal government to push business to ramp up production of certain products to protect the nation. Trump has said he would invoke the act “in a worst-case scenario,” but Democratic leadership has called on him to do so now.
“The American government is not at full bore right now," the mayor said. "The Defense Production Act, it’s been activated. We’ve gotten no indication of any factory on 24/7 shifts, we’ve gotten no shipments and the U.S. military is at its bases instead of at the front lines."
“We cannot be gentle about this point — right this minute, from this minute forward, our federal government needs to be in this fight instead of on the sidelines.”
FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor told "Meet the Press" that his agency is shipping supplies daily across the country and that states would get reimbursed by the federal government if they bought important supplies on the open market. He went on to call the Defense Production Act an “insurance policy” and a “lever” that hasn’t been flipped yet.
“We haven’t had to use it yet. Will we have to use it? Maybe. But right now, this is what makes America so great — every company pitching in to make sure we can beat this virus,” Gaynor said.
There are at least 26,747 confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States, according to data analyzed by Johns Hopkins University, as more than 80 million Americans are living under stay-at-home orders.
The New York State Department of Health reported 10,356 positive coronavirus cases in the state as of Saturday afternoon, and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency reported 190 confirmed coronavirus cases.
Around the world, Hopkins reported, there are almost 312,000 coronavirus cases globally, while more than 13,000 people have died from the virus and almost 94,000 have recovered.
“It’s not a perfect situation, but we are trying to ramp up, order things on the open market, get some things produced here. It’s going to take the federal, state and local governments all stepping up and doing whatever it takes regardless of who is supposed to do what,” he added.


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