Sunday, June 9, 2024

addressing Florida’s biggest crisis

MASSACHUSETTS....A few uninformed, DIM WITTED Republicans rushed to embrace 

RON DESANTIS, ignored what REPUBLICANS have caused in FLORIDA...there is lots of 

evidence...."R" voters are conspicuously uninformed, refuse to investigate candidates or 


REPUBLICANS....look at the poorest states with the highest poverty rates, the states with 

the poorest education, health care, the poorest economic opportunities....what multi-national 

company would invest in a state that is so bigoted, they pass BATHROOM BILLS, MARRIAGE 

BILLS and can't get beyond racial bigotry?  

WE SUPPORT MAXWELL FROST who is speaking out against REPUBLICAN FAILURES and fighting for his constituents. 

WE need more like MAXWELL FROST who speaks the TRUTH & FACTS! 

Florida has a massive crisis…and Ron DeSantis and his fellow Republicans refuse to address it.

Property insurance rates are skyrocketing, with some paying four times the national average. But that’s not all. The folks who aren’t getting price-gouged? They’re getting their policies canceled.

This is a direct result of years of failed leadership from Ron DeSantis and his Republican legislature. He’s failing to regulate the insurance industry, failing to address the climate crisis, and failing to do what is right for all Floridians.

While they refuse to act, I’m committed to actually showing up. I’m here in Congress, fighting for Floridians who have been left behind, doing what I can to right that wrong and make real change. But I can’t hold this seat without your help.

Somehow, the only thing the far-right in Florida can manage to do is spend millions to unseat me. I need your help to hold them off, so please, will you donate $27 to my campaign right now so we can actually address the problems that working families face? 

This is personal to DeSantis. He has taken millions from the insurance industry to fund his campaigns. Obviously that’s not somebody we can trust to regulate the industry. No, he’s putting their properties first – over the needs of his actual constituents and voters.

My organizing team and I are working year-round to defeat this continued failed leadership. And I’m fighting hard to stop it at the source, introducing the bills we need in Congress to help everybody.

But I’m up against millions in special interest money, and cannot defeat it without help from the grassroots. That’s you.

Stronger together,

Maxwell Frost

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Maxwell Frost for Congress
PO Box 772671
Orlando, FL 32877-2671
United States
Maxwell is an organizer representing Florida's 10th Congressional District in Congress. He isn't taking any corporate PAC, big sugar, or fossil fuel contributions. He needs your help to keep this seat for poor and working-class people. Will you become a Founding Donor of this movement today?

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