Sunday, March 14, 2021



Another send me all your money scam, as she is so am so poor. Laras' $2 Million ripping off dog rescue donations were caught out, so another crime to get money under false pretense must start. There is something intrinsically wrong with people saying out loud be best, a kind of desperate attempt to find a group to belong to, don't you think ? Needy Be Best projects. Normal people get up every day and try to be best, naturally. What else would you choose as an option, not being best, being mediocre, or like Trump and her not giving a ..... about immigrant separated orphaned children nor Christmas decorations.
What does that come under, Be Best Bitch ?
Think about it, Donald Jnr, Be Best ? (Charity robber of donations and insurrectionist), Nope.
Not Best,
Kimberly Guilofolye, Be Best,( involved in dancing and being happy as a Policeman was beaten to death at an insurrection her father in law, Trump and husband incited). Nope. Not Best. Especially as she danced while saying you got to fight, to insurrectionists killing ssid Policeman. ), A double, not Best.
Eric Trump, Be Best ? Standing with Ivanka and Trump, watching the big screens he had helped set up at the party, also watching the Policeman beaten to death, and the 3 together never rang for help for over 2 hours, Also charity donations stealers according to a Judge. Using those donations for there own personal use, was mentioned ).Not Best.
( Lara Trump, recent $ 2 Million dog donation money stealer, ) Nope , Not Best.
Melania, LOL, is she saying she is, Be Best ? Wasn't she the one getting angry saying to her friend, " I am ....... slaving my arse off with Christmas stuff, who cares about decorations, ....while watching volunteers decorate the trees and the people she bought the baubles from, in her own home ?
Such a cheerful and happy time for te people... OH wait, they were dying in their hundreds if thousands because Trumps Be Best, is down playing a deadly Pandemic virus. Which she did absolutely nothing to help in like... I don't know... maybe say wear masks. Be Best, she has to be joking, insane. It's why as the former First Lady she was the least liked and unfashionably distant and rude. Constantly unless she was getting a new expensive piece of clothing. ( Vogue did not want her on the cover anymore, so not hot nor so elegant either). The least liked former first lady was confirmed just 2 days ago.
It is just another sad reminder, of a very sad cancel culture family of conniving swindling crooks, after the last silly peoples who want to still give their last money away to people still living in luxury, on fake projects that do not make others Be Best at all.
Those less wealthy will never know, nor see the inside of any of Trumps residence unless you are rallying around projects / ideas that bring her money into her accounts. Because saddest of all is what Trump said : as the insurrectionists were being stupidly loyal to Trump and family members : attacked Capitol Hill.
As he watched them risk everything, he did absolutely nothing as usual but complain He was, he said deeply disappointed how they looked so low class).
They certainly may not all have looked low class attacking Capitol Hill, I do not think there is dress code for that really, going to war is a come as you are kinda thing for the peasants, but now they may look very low class, in their orange jail suits sitting in their cells, 23 hours a day may be for years and years, maybe decades for some. So Trump is not Be Best either.
Oh ... that's right, they, she means lowly, silly old you should Be Best because you are so beneath her, them.
Really... you are below them ? They are proven in courts by Judges, to donation steal millions from the Trump charities they set up and used all the money for their own living costs and pleasure and now ripping off $2Miilion of dog rescue donations. After raising 1.3 Billion for What ? There personal bank accounts, that's what.
I know what is low class and I hope you can too. Any time they ask for any reason for donations you should all just laugh and say, "I don't think so, given heaps to charities already." Let them know, you know where the donations end up, being used for Trump daily living expenses, like $ 70, 000 a year for Trumps hair alone. They are the greediest, selfish, cruelest two faced people but super duper charming as you hand over your donations. That's what you donated money to, smiling malignant narcissistic psychopaths who expect you to do all the work and hand over the cash. When you do that, you are immediately of no use unless you can get others to donate to their fake endless charities and causes.

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