Thursday, November 12, 2020



Teri T Raymond
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I can't stand people or congress members of ANY party that condones keeping endless wars going. Killing people to rip off and control resources abroad isn't my thing! 📷 I'm sure that it shows on my face when talking in person with someone like that because I can sense their arrogant excuses in their energy field or body language. They don't even have to speak their irrelevant justifications out loud.
Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'The Money required to eradicate hunger for everyone in the world has been estimated at 30 billion a year.. about as much as the world spends on the military every eight days.'
Veterans Day.
Because of people like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton I had the opportunity to meet a handsome young man about six foot 2 that was a servicemen in the Iraq War. He was trying to purchase something from me but was having difficulty because he had his arms blown off at the shoulders.. with his teeth he took out a $20 bill from his vest. This injured vet told me to put the $5 bill in his right pocket and the ones in his left pocket.. I showed him $0.89 I still owed him.. this poor young man teary-eyed almost started crying.. he said what am I going to do with that I can't even wipe my ass.. this is where I almost lost it I almost started crying.. thousands of men and women came back from the Iraq War crippled or even dead because of those decisions Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton made in voting for the war that was a lie.. These people should not be electable.
That should have been a career changer to something outside of government.. Joe and Hillary admits it was a wrong decision.. it's not like saying hehe I burnt the beans.. I will never vote for anybody that voted for that war.. They need to suffer the consequences for a horrific mistake.
can you of good conscience look a wounded soldier in the eye and still vote for Joe Biden or support Hillary Clinton in anyway. Shame on you if that’s the case. 

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