Sunday, August 2, 2020

They want to spend COVID-19 relief money on what?

Win Without War

On Tuesday, Senate Republicans released their long-awaited coronavirus relief proposal.

Buried in the 177-page document are BILLIONS of dollars for weapons of war wish list: fighter jets, helicopters, and missile defense systems.

That’s right, Republicans in the Senate are ready to hand out $30 BILLION for Pentagon pet projects completely unrelated to COVID-19 — while they’re nickel and diming families who desperately need protections and benefits to put food on their tables and keep roofs over their heads.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has the power to reject this absurd proposal and stop it entering the final bill, because none of these proposals can become law without House approval. Together, we spoke out against pandemic profiteering in the COVID relief bills in April - and won. Let’s do it again.

Add your name to tell Speaker Pelosi: Reject the GOP’s giveaway to the Pentagon in COVID-19 relief!

Why, might you ask, do Senate Republicans want to give the Pentagon 30 billion dollars? For one, to replace money President Trump redirected to build his ego-filled, racist border wall.

The $30 billion also includes: $11 billion to reimburse contractors for profits lost as a result of the virus (despite little indication of losses) and $686 million for the bungled F-35 fighter jet program. And, by sheer coincidence we’re sure, one of the projects that’d be funded is a ship built in Alabama, the home state of Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Richard Shelby.

At the end of the day, that’s $30 BILLION not spent on PPE or ventilators. $30 BILLION not spent on keeping our families afloat during an economic collapse. $30 BILLION not spent on housing relief in the midst of an eviction crisis. $30 BILLION not spent on human needs.

Pandemic relief dollars should NOT go to the Pentagon FULL STOP. Add your name to ask Speaker Pelosi to ensure no COVID-19 relief money goes to weapons of war.

If families across the country have to adjust their budgets, surely the Pentagon — as recipient of three quarters of a TRILLION tax dollars — can do the same.

Appropriating a dollar more to the Pentagon is throwing critically needed resources away.

Rebuilding our futures lies in what we choose to support and resource right now. Let’s make sure Speaker Pelosi knows: we continue to choose, and need, investment in PEOPLE over investment in weapons and war.

Let’s do everything we can to make sure we build the world we desperately need and want: a just, equitable, and peaceful world, for all.

Thank you for working for peace,
Sara, Annika, Samuel, and the Win Without War team
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© Win Without War Education Fund 2020
1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 | 

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