Sunday, May 3, 2020

WIN WITHOUT WAR: COVID-19 vaccines must be accessible to all [signature needed]

Scientist around the Globe are sharing information to seek the best treatment and vaccine to protect PEOPLE.

We can't sit idly by and watch tRump and his loyalists protect Big Pharma profits and deny other the protection they so sorely deserve.

This is just the first PANDEMIC on tRump's watch. There will be others and we need the cooperation of ALL nations.

Win Without War

Vaccines and medications are useless if people can’t get them. We can’t let any company's bottom line get in the way of people being able to access critical medicines during this global pandemic.

That’s why we need to act now to ensure that any vaccine and treatments developed for coronavirus is affordable and accessible to everyone in the U.S. and around the world.

We’re calling on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that any safe and effective medicines developed in the United States to combat COVID-19 are immediately made free, accessible, and affordable around the world.

Add your name: COVID-19 vaccines and medicines must be free and accessible across borders!

Trump has reportedly already attempted to make any vaccine created exclusive to the United States — and been met with justified outcry from the international community. Every day news is breaking that new medications are being developed and tested, and vaccine research is already underway across the globe. We’ve got to make sure these critical advances are broadly available!

We rely on each other to get essential equipment during this crisis — this crisis requires global solidarity and a commitment to people over profit. And if corporations think only of themselves, and of their profit margins, millions will suffer.

That’s why we’re urging the USPTO and the FDA to go “straight to generic,” which means the patent protections on these vaccines and medications are removed or limited so other companies can access the formulas and mass manufacture them quickly.

Will you add your name to demand that any COVID-19 medications or vaccines developed in the United States be free and accessible everywhere?

Never before has it been more clear that our health and wellbeing is tied up with each other. We need to make this commitment as a country not just because we depend on others’ medical advancements across borders, but because it’s simply the right thing to do.

Thank you for working for peace,
Sara, Shayna, Amy, and the Win Without War team

Win Without War Education Fund 2020
1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 | 

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