Saturday, March 7, 2020

CC News Letter 07 March - It's Women's Day

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow is Women's Day. We pay tribute the heroic women with a number of articles and poetry.

Two leading Malayalam news channels, Asianet News and Media One and are banned from airing for 48 hours from 7.30 PM Friday night on account of their reporting on Delhi riots. The Ministry of information and broadcasting claimed that these two channels violated the model code of conduct in airing the news. Both orders were signed by Amit Katoch. Ironically Asianet News is owned by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Rajya Sabha Member, Rajeev Chandrasekhar who also runs the Pro-BJP Republic TV channel. Following strong protest from across the country, the government on Saturday lifted the 48-hour ban imposed on Friday

Lawyers Against Atrocities has done a Fact Finding Report on Dehi Riots focusing on Khureji Crackdown

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it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

This is not just a gender gap: It’s a power gap
by Naba Kishor Pujari

25 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set out a clear path on how to achieve gender equality, the world has witnessed remarkable progress. However, the Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action points out that violence against women and girls remains pervasive. And, this is not just a gender gap but a power gap

Significance of Shaheen Bagh: From Event to Symbol
by Chaman Lal

Shaheen Bagh will have long term consequences, even if women
of Shaheen Bagh lose to the oppressive regime of Modi Shah led BJP. The women have tasted the spirit of freedom and the spirit will not leave them with defeat or victory. Shaheen Bagh women will not confine themselves to the walls of homes, even if their male patrons or religious gurus tell them

Towards a Gender Sensitive Society
by Rameez Bhat

International women’s day is to be celebrated on 8-March this year with a theme of “Generations Equality’’ across the world.  It is a worldwide event that celebrates the concernments and achievements of women all over the world. It is however ironical that in our part of the globe we are still jousting for their basic rights.

by Mitali Chakravarty

Marginalised? Who said we are marginalised?
We are humans walking side by side.

Two Leading Malayalam News Channels Banned From Airing For 48
Hours For Reporting The Delhi Riots
by Countercurrents Collective

Two leading Malayalam news channels, Asianet News and Media One and are banned from airing for 48 hours from 7.30 PM Friday night on account of their reporting on Delhi riots. The Ministry of information and broadcasting claimed that these two channels violated the model code of conduct in airing the news. Both orders were signed by Amit Katoch. Ironically Asianet News is owned by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Rajya Sabha Member, Rajeev Chandrasekhar who also runs the Pro-BJP Republic TV channel. Following strong protest from across the country, the government on Saturday lifted the 48-hour ban imposed on Friday

Global Warming on a Rampage
by Robert Hunziker

Global warming is not waiting around for the
signatories to the Paris climate accord ‘15 to go to net zero emissions 2030/50. Sorry, those bold plans are way too little way too late. Already, across the board, the planet is on a hot streak that defies all projections. It’s starting to look downright scary!

Global warming is not waiting around for the signatories to the Paris climate accord ‘15 to go to net zero emissions 2030/50. Sorry, those bold plans are way too little way too late. Already, across the board, the planet is on a hot streak that defies all projections. It’s starting to look downright scary!
Listen… when Helsinki has no snow in January/February accompanied by inordinate heat, it’s a powerful signal that “something is not right.” According to the Finnish Meteorological Institute: “Monthly records were not just broken, they were shattered with large margins.” (Source: 9 Freaky Phenomena Revealing How Warm This Winter Was, Treehugger, March 3, 2020)
Not only that, across the planet, heat-heat-heat too much heat is altering ecosystemsbeyond expectations, as, for example, an “uncharted granite island” suddenly emerged from rapidly melting ice in Antarctica, surprising researchers stationed off the coast of the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, which has the troubling distinction as one of the fastest retreating glaciers in the world. The research team named the new discovery Sif Island.
Similar to global warming’s recent onslaught, Pine Island Glacier also is not waiting around for Paris ’15 signatories to take mitigation steps to avert catastrophic “Global Warming,” which likely will be officially renamed“Global Heating” at some point in time in the near future, not global warming, which term is already out-of-date.
Perilously, Pine Island Glacier experienced yet another monster iceberg calving event February 2020 the size of a U.S. state.  Monster calving events used to occur every 5-6-7 years but have become annual events. Making matters scarier yet, “large cracks in the ice shelf are forming in places that scientists hadn’t seen before, such as the middle of the ice shelf.” (Source: Iceberg That’s Twice the Size of Washington Cleaves off Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica, in a Sign of Warming, The Washington Post, February 10, 2020)
Scientists are deeply concerned and closely monitoring Pine Island Glacier and nearby Thwaites Glacier for signals of “runaway melting” that would free up inland ice flow. The ice shelves that are calving hold back rapid glacial flow to the sea. According to NASA, just those two glaciers hold back a surrounding region of potential glacial ice flow thatcouldraise sea levels by 4 feet, which is a mere 2% of total Antarctic sea level rise locked in ice.
Therefore, the sudden emergence of Sif Island out of the blue is not a comforting signal. Not only that, but according to Carlos Schaefer, a Brazilian government scientist who’s analyzing recent Antarctica temperatures of68°F (sizzling hot for Antarctica): “We have never seen anything like this.”
Dreadfully, the entire planet is being hit with hot stuff. French ski resorts had to import snow with helicopters. Snow-less Moscow shattered previous record temperatures by an astonishing 3.5°C.
And, heaping one disaster on top of another disaster, Japan’s Daisen White Ski Resort had to shut down early in January because it was so hot that fake-generated snow melted as soon as it was generated. And, for the first time ever, ever, ever Germany was unable to make ice-wine in any of the German wine regions. The 2019 ice-wine vintage will go down as the first-ever no harvest. It was too hot!
Still, by all appearances, global average temperatures are a misleading indicator for public instruction of global warming’s true impact. Global averages miss the true impact of regional global warming events that have the power to undercut life, as we know it.
For example, Yakutia, an eastern Siberian federal Russian republic, has heated up by more than 3°C preindustrial or three-times the global average, bringing on disastrous results. Yakutia, one-third the size of the U.S., has seen its arable land for farming plummet by more than 50% as a result of cascading permafrost. And, buildings are sagging into the ground, hillsides are collapsing, and lakes suddenly appear throughout the region. Life is turning chaotic.
All of which brings to mind the ever-dicey East Siberian Arctic Shelf where massive quantities of subsea permafrost contains and holds back vast reservoirs of methane frozen in ice in extremely shallow waters, unfortunately. Even though mainstream science believes the risks are lowof a major eruption of methane out of the ESAS, which in turn could ignite powerful damaging Runaway Global Warming, there are serious scientists who have studied the ESAS in detail and who adamantly claim otherwise by assigning a high risk to the event, which would take civilization down to its knees by decimating agricultural regions across the planet as well as turning several latitudinal zones uninhabitable.
Meanwhile, according to the IEA (International Energy Agency)fossil fuel companies plan on increasing oil and gas production by 120% to 2030. Demand for oil is irrepressible. And, not only that, China is embarking on mega-mega construction plans for new coal-burning power plants, and so is India, and Japan recently announced its intention of building 22 new coal-burning plants over the next 5 years.
All of that in the face of irrefutable evidence of acceleration of climate change well beyond the influence of natural events. Still, Trumpers refuse to recognize and act upon that reality, thus unofficially blessing other nations increases in fossil fuel usage and thus silently encouraging rejection of Paris ’15. Is that wayward influence a plot hatched in America?
As a result, and with great fanfare,trumpets blaring, and drums rolling, Trump has been crowned“the Worst President for our Environment in History” by nine major green orgs: Alaska Wilderness League Action, Clean Water Action, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, EDF Action, Friends of the Earth, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, and The Wilderness Society. Trump is Global Warming’s Man of the Year 2019.
The year 2019 is the 43rd consecutive year, since 1977, with both land and ocean temperatures above the global 20th century average. And, of extreme significant deep concern, the global rate of global warming has doubled, specifically since 1977. That is an ominous and clear signal of acceleration of an unwelcoming rate of global warming. Frankly, it’s horrible news. Brace yourself!
Robert Hunziker, MA, economic history DePaul University, awarded membership in Pi Gamma Mu International Academic Honor Society in Social Sciences is a freelance writer and environmental journalist who has over 200 articles published, including several translated into foreign languages, appearing in over 50 journals, magazines, and sites worldwide. He has been interviewed on numerous FM radio programs, as well as television.

SYRIZA’s betrayal of Greece is a spectre haunting the left
by Max Parry

‘Super Tuesday’ in the 2020 presidential election season is over and Senator Bernie Sanders’s time as the unlikely frontrunner for the Democratic nomination may have stopped just as quick as it began. Despite an unprecedented smear campaign coordinated by the party leadership and corporate media against him, the self-described “democratic socialist” not only managed to single-handedly de-stigmatize the latter as a dirty word in U.S. politics but at one point seemed like he had improbably overtaken former Vice President Joe Biden as the
favorite to be the party nominee

‘Super Tuesday’ in the 2020 presidential election season is over and Senator Bernie Sanders’s time as the unlikely frontrunner for the Democratic nomination may have stopped just as quick as it began. Despite an unprecedented smear campaign coordinated by the party leadership and corporate media against him, the self-described “democratic socialist” not only managed to single-handedly de-stigmatize the latter as a dirty word in U.S. politics but at one point seemed like he had improbably overtaken former Vice President Joe Biden as the favorite to be the party nominee. Suddenly, the scenario of a brokered convention with a repeat of the ‘superdelegate’ scheme determining the outcome seems more likely. Regardless of whether he beats the odds, no one can deny the significance of Sanders’s movement in taking the relatively progressive first step of returning “socialism” from exile to everyday U.S. politics which was once an inconceivable prospect. Unfortunately, a consequence is that now his idea of an ‘alternative’ to capitalism has been made synonymous with the word in the minds of Americans, regardless of its qualifications.
So far, Bernie has purposefully avoided discussing socialism in broader conceptual terms or as a social philosophy while persistently narrowing the discussion to issues of economic disparity, free higher education or a national healthcare system. In fact, Sanders’s own supporters are the ones who often push the acceptable parameters of the dialogue to bigger questions and take his movement to places he is unwilling, likely because his candidacy filled the void of the political space left vacant following the suppression of the Occupy Wall Street phenomena. For example, some of his devotees may define socialism as the ‘equal distribution of wealth’ or even the ‘collective ownership of the means of production.’ However, Bernie and his followers both equally avoid providing any philosophical basis to their ideas and usually reduce it to abstractions of moral principles or human rights.
The most vigorous elucidation of socialism and its historical development from material conditions rather than ideals can be found in Karl Marx’sCritique of the Gotha Program, a letter written in 1875 by the German philosopher to the early incarnation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in which he scathingly attacked the SPD for drafting a more moderate platform at its congress. Just four years earlier, the short-lived Paris Commune in France had been brutally repressed and the German counterparts of the Communards appeared to be making concessions in the wake of its failure. In the address, Marx contends that socialism is atransitional phase between capitalism and communism where vestigial elements of the free market are mixed with state ownership of the productive forces. According to Marx, socialism does not develop on its own but “emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges.”
While socialism might be an improvement, it still bears the stigma of capitalism because it is based on the idea that people will receive equal compensation determined by their individual contribution to the economy. Marx argues that even though profiting from the exploitation of the labor of others through private ownership of the means of production may decline, the exchange of labor itself as a commodity replicates the logic of the free market in that it still leaves workers under the dominion of what they produce if their earnings are equivalent to their labor. Since workers inherently have varying degrees of mental and physical ability, the primary source of economic inequality is left in place. Hence, Marx’s conclusion that human liberation can only be achieved once labor is transformed from a means of subsistence to freedom from necessity in a communist society, or “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” In the same document, it is made clear what role the state must play in this post-revolutionary but intermediary stage:
“Between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. There corresponds to this also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.”
Many on the left today, particularly social democrats, try to separate Marx’s words about the role of the state from the Bolsheviks who later expanded upon the working class seizure of power by revolutionary means and put it into practice in the Russian Revolution of 1917. However, Marx did consider the United States one of a handful of countries where a peaceful transition to socialism was a remote possibility, at least during his own lifetime.
The same SPD that Marx convinced to abandon its reformist platform for a more radical line would turn their backs on the working class decades later when it endorsed the imperialist carnage of World War I and collaborated with proto-fascists. In 1912, the SPD rose to prominence after it was elected to the majority of seats in the Reichstag, but once in power its duplicitous leadership voted to support the war effort despite the Second International’s vehement opposition to militarism and imperialism. Those within the SPD who protested the party’s pro-war stance were expelled which brought an end to the Second International, most notably Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemberg who would go on to found the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). After the war’s conclusion which resulted in a German defeat and the abolition of its imperial monarchy, mass social unrest and general strikes led to the Spartacist Uprising in the unsuccessful German Revolution of 1918–1919 which was violently crushed by the right-wing Freikorps paramilitary units under orders from SPD leader and German President, Friedrich Ebert. Liebknecht and Luxemburg were summarily executed in the crackdown and became forever revered martyrs in the international socialist movement.
The SPD would once again betray the German people during the Weimar Republic in the lead-up to the Second World War, rebuffing the KPD’s efforts to organize a coalition against fascism which sealed Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, as Michael Parenti described in Blackshirts and Reds:
“True to form, the Social Democrat leaders refused the Communist party’s proposal to form an eleventh-hour coalition against Nazism. As in many other countries past and present, so in Germany, the Social Democrats would sooner ally themselves with the reactionary Right than make common cause with the Reds. Meanwhile, a number of right-wing parties coalesced behind the Nazis and in January 1933, just weeks after the election, Hindenburg invited Hitler to become chancellor.”
Social democracy’s consistent impediment of the seizure of power by the working class led to its branding as the “moderate wing of fascism” by the Comintern. By the time the Third International and the social democratic Labor and Socialist International (LSI) finally cooperated to form a Popular Front in the Spanish Civil War, it was undermined by the disruptions of Trotskyists and anarchists which cleared the way for Franco’s victory. Today, social democrats who are embarrassed by these unpleasant facts try to sweep their own tainted history under the rug, ironically the same ideologues who are always eager to cite the ‘purges’ of the Stalin era to discredit communism. A 2017 article exonerating the SPD in Jacobin Magazine, the flagship publication of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), is a perfect example of such lies by omission.
Bernie Sanders is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, but a significant amount of the grassroots basis for his recent success has come from his backing by the DSA whose own rank-and-file increased by the tens of thousands during his 2016 candidacy and continued following Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. This culminated in the election of two DSA members to Congress, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Rashida Tlaib (MI), in the 2018 mid-terms. The DSA has historical roots in the Socialist Party of America (SPA), having been established by former chairman Michael Harrington, best known as the author of the classic 1962 study, The Other America: Poverty in the United States, whichis widely credited as an inspiration for the welfare state legislation of the Great Society under the Lyndon B. Johnson administrationHowever, in stark contrast with the SPA and its founder, Eugene V. Debs — whom Sanders idolizes and even once made a film about — Harringtonadvocated for reforming the Democratic Party from within over building a third party.
Sanders might style himself as a “socialist”, but many have noted his actual campaign policies are closer to the New Deal reforms of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration during the Great Depression. A more accurate comparison than Eugene Debs would be with the appointed Vice President during Roosevelt’s third term, Henry A. Wallace, who has been written out of history ever since the Southern reactionary wing of the Democratic Party convinced FDR to replace him on the 1944 ticket with Harry S. Truman. The progressive Wallace had been Secretary of Agriculture during Roosevelt’s first two terms and was a big supporter of his domestic program. After his one-term removal, Wallace served as commerce secretary until Truman succeeded Roosevelt and fired him in 1946 for giving a speech advocating peace and cooperation with the Soviet Union which contradicted Truman’s foreign policy that kick-started the Cold War. Wallace ran for president on the Progressive Party ticket in 1948 but his campaign was sunk by red-baiting, reminiscent of the recent bogus claims of “Russian meddling” to assist Sanders’s presidential bid. Yet even Wallace was much further to the left than Bernie is today, particularly on foreign policy. As Congressman of Vermont in 1999, Sanders notably voted to authorize the use of military force against Serbia, resulting in one of his campaign staffers quitting in protest and an end to his friendship with the previously cited Parenti.
As for his socialist credentials, all one has to do is look at the model Bernie consistently invokes as an example whenever pressed to define “democratic socialism” in the Nordic model which today scarcely resembles what it once was prior to the mysterious assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986. Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark may have high taxes on the wealthy and a strong social safety net while a large percentage of the workforce is unionized and employed in the public sector — a more “humane” form of capitalism — but these gains came from class struggle, not from the top down. Similarly in the U.S., the financial regulations and public programs during the Roosevelt administration were not enacted out of the goodness of FDR’s heart but because he was a pragmatic politician and member of the ruling class who understood that it was the only way to save American capitalism from itself and prevent workers, then well organized in a strong coalition of labor unions with socialists and communists, from becoming militant. Reforms such as those under the New Deal were enacted so they could be repealed later, as we see now with Social Security and Medicare increasingly under threat. If Sanders were to be elected but his policies obstructed, it would be because no such alliance behind him yet exists.
On the other hand, recent history shows that not even a united front and mass organization can ensure the democratic wishes of workers as Greece learned in 2015 after the electoral victory of the inappropriately named ‘Coalition of the Radical Left ’ — abbreviated SYRIZA — which completely double-crossed its constituency and the Greek working class once in power. When the Great Recession hit in 2008, Greece was impacted more than any other country in the Eurozone during the economic downturn and underwent a decline which exceeded that of the Great Depression in the United States as the longest of any modern capitalist country. However, like all debt run up by capitalist governments, Greece’s bankruptcy was created by the irreconcilable contradiction of the state being torn between its constituents in the masses of people and the rich and corporations who both want to pay as low in taxes as possible, an incompatibility which forces elected political leaders to borrow excessively instead of taxing the former which give them votes or the latter which gives them money.
Like the United States, many European countries saw their productive power slowly outsourced to the developing world in recent decades where bigger profits could be made and labor was cheaper while wages and living standards in the imperial core stagnated, though the process was slower in Europe because of social democracy. For the financial sector and predatory creditors, this made for a whole new market of consumer debt to invest in and a bonanza of speculative trading. That is, until 2008 when the speculations finally crashed after consumer credit reached its limit. On the brink of failure, the so-called leaders of industry and champions of private enterprise in the banking sector begged European governments to save them from collapse. Unfortunately for Greece, it’s small, poor economy was already heavily in debt and unattractive to lenders, therefore unable to borrow without paying high interest rates.
At the time of Greece’s debt crisis, European governments were already besieged by their respective banks in the form of bailouts. When the German and French banks turned out to be the biggest creditors of the Greek government, the prospect of Greece defaulting meant that the German and French governments could not provide financial assistance to their corresponding banks a second time without then-President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, committing political suicide. Therefore, the European Union’s political “solution” was to make Greece the whipping boy for the financial crisis by using the pooled collective money of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund— widely referred to as the ‘troika’ — to make a series of bailout loans to Greece so it could pay off the French and German banks, but which imposed draconian austerity measures and neoliberal ‘shock therapy’ onto its economy.
The troika’s ‘structural adjustment programs’ resulted in hundreds of thousands of state sector jobs lost and the minimum wage reduced by more than 20% while much of the energy, utilities and transit sectors underwent mass privatization. Greek workers saw their taxes raised just as pensions and benefits were cut, bonuses capped, and salaries frozen at the same time government spending on health and education was slashed. As many economists predicted, the spending reductions during the downturn only worsened the crisis. However, just as we have seen throughout the EU and the U.S. since the global financial meltdown, a silver lining to the crisis in Greece was an expansion of the political spectrum and Overton Window. By 2014, the far right Golden Dawn party suddenly became the third largest group from Greece in the European Parliament, but still far behind the first-place SYRIZA, founded in 2004 as a broad alliance of the country’s left-wing parties, sans the Greek Communist Party (KKE).
In the beginning of 2015, SYRIZA rode into office in a snap election, picking up half of the Hellenic Parliament seats on its campaign promise of rejecting austerity. After failing to reach an agreement with the troika, a referendum was held to decide on whether the country should accept the bailout terms and the result was a solid 61% pulling the lever against the country’s colonization by the EU and ‘reforms’ of the international creditors, a vote which also effectively signaled that the Greek people were willing to exit the Eurozone. Despite pledging to let the electorate decide the country’s future, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and SYRIZA stabbed the Greek working class in the back and ignored the outcome of the referendum, totally capitulating to the demands of the private banking corporatocracy. Much of the pseudo-left had pinned their naive hopes on SYRIZA, but the truth is that the warning signs were there from the very beginning, starting with Tsipras’s questionable decision to appoint economist Yanis Varoufakis as Finance Minister, a figure who had several conflicts of interest with the institutions he was assigned to stand up to.
Varoufakis was tapped to negotiate with the troika in spite of his open ties to the neoliberal Brookings Institute, a D.C. establishment think tank funded by a cabal of billionaires and the Qatari government, as well as his previous work as an advisor to the centre-left PASOK government of George Papandreou which preceded SYRIZA and initially ushered in the austerity. The “rock star economist” jumped ship after less than six months from his ministerial post on the stated reason it was evident the SYRIZA-led government was caving in to the troika, yet Varoufakis himself had already sold Greece down the river when he led the negotiations to extend its loan agreement with the IMF that was due to expire in his first month in office. Varoufakis could have used the prospect of a potential Grexit from the Eurozone as leverage and refused to negotiate, but instead fully surrendered to the troika’s bribery. When SYRIZA later fully embraced austerity, it was only a continuation of the process he set in motion while his resignation was motivated by self-interest in maintaining his radical facade.
Allowing the IMF to make a killing off Greece’s debt was just the first breach of faith. By the time Tsipras was voted out four years later, the SYRIZA-led government had made military deals with Israel, sold arms to Saudi Arabia during its genocidal war on Yemen, provided NATO with its territory for the use of military bases and naval presence, and paved the way for the latter to accede the renamed North Macedonia as a member state. Meanwhile, Varoufakis has since been busy lending his ‘expertise’ to left candidates in other countries. After the UK Labour Party’s resounding defeat in the 2019 general elections, many rightly faulted Jeremy Corbyn’s reversal of his decision to support the result of the 2016 Brexit referendum after he was convinced by the party establishment to change his longtime Euroskepticism. Unsurprisingly, another figure who had advised him to do the same was none other than the former Greek finance minister, who has also since partnered with Bernie Sanders to launch a “Progressive International.”
The 2019 UK general election was really a second Brexit referendum, where the electorate justifiably expressed their disgust at the Labour Party’s contempt for democracy and neutering of Corbyn. Once upon a time it was Labour who stood against the de-industrialization foisted onto Britain by the neoliberal imperialist EU and the offshoring of its manufacturing jobs to Germany and the global south. Corbyn should have listened to the words of past Labour leaders like Tony Benn who opposed the European project and its unelected bureaucracy as a violation of British sovereignty and democracy, not charlatans like Mr. Varoufakis. Worst of all is that the “left” is now disparaging the entirety of the working class as bigots and reducing the Leave vote to a reaction against the migrant crisis, as if Greece’s bailout referendum never occurred. Like the Yellow Vest protests in France, Corbyn’s loss was a sign that the opposition to globalization by the working class is still in good condition but has no authentic left to represent it. If Bernie meets the same fate, a real vanguard should be prepared to take the reins.
Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at

Lives In Painting
by John Scales Avery

John Scales Avery  announcea the publication of a book, which tells the story of the lives and work of some of the world’s great artists, from ancient times to the present. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated

Writings in the Northwest Wind: The Poems of Zhou En Lai
by Justin Theodra

Zhou En Lai was a man like any other; with hopes and dreams; failures and successes. In his heart beat the throb of humanity for a better world; under strain it tilted to temptation; in death-bed it mourned mistakes and milestones alike. On this, 122nd anniversary of his birth; it might behoove us to look into a little known side of Zhou; not his deeds, nor words; but his feelings; his sentiment; the flavor of the man, strewn in lines of poetry.

The Importance
of Critical Thinking
by James Rothenberg

You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. The saying resembles a logical syllogism in structure, but it isn’t. Taking it apart in thirds, it’s doesn’t follow that “you can fool all the people some of the time” because it’s too much to assume you can know “all” (an absolute) the people.

You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
The saying resembles a logical syllogism in structure, but it isn’t. Taking it apart in thirds, it’s doesn’t follow that “you can fool all the people some of the time” because it’s too much to assume you can know “all” (an absolute) the people.
It also doesn’t follow that you can fool “some of the people all the time” because it’s too much to assume you can know “all” the time (that absolute again).
However, the third part rests on secure grounds because of the negative phrasing, substituting “cannot” for “can”. Here you’re not positing anything about “all” the people or “all” the time, so the absolute is turned on its head into an admission of its unknowability.
Therefore, the third part is true. You can’t fool all the people all the time, but that’s not saying much and cold comfort it is because the people that fool people merely rely upon fooling a sufficient number of people a sufficient amount of time. That’s the operating principle. Whether it’s called public relations, advertising, spin, fake news, or propaganda, it’s all lying. We’re lied to every hour of the day, every day of the year.
There’s a tendency to think disinformation is growing worse in kind in an internet age. It’s not. It’s the same rain over a larger area. The problem of disinformation can be traced to self-interested hierarchy. It should not surprise that those with power and authority have need to shape public perception. How else to maintain a position of disparity and gain a proper level of obedience, when the clumsy methods of brute force and bribery are bypassed?
At a basic level of self-defense, the task of the free person is to maintain a critical attitude. Not to do this is surrender. As protection against unjust hierarchy, the task of a free society is to insist that systems of authority must justify their continued existence. This is in the spirit of anarchism. Not the blowing up of buildings but the blowing up of mirages.
The United States government took a very important lesson from Vietnam. It reasoned that in order to retain control of its imperialistic agenda it had to eliminate forced conscription. By putting its pocketbook to work, and paying volunteer soldiers well and paying mercenary contractors extremely well, it took care of campus and associated problems while it could assure Americans that nobody had been forced to fight. You see, they’re all patriotic.
Maybe not forced directly, but by lying to Americans about the need to fight (and remember that polls showed most Americans in favor of attacking Iraq), the forcing took the form of manipulated public opinion through a mass media amplifying the deceit, overwhelming conscientious and informed dissent. Millions of dissenters here and many millions more around the world. For nothing. The USG had reasoned correctly that its predominant propaganda apparatus could control the population to align itself (unknowingly) with US imperialism.
The opposition party was not opposite, with notable exceptions. It went along in part not to appear unpatriotic but also because its corporate basing is aligned with US imperialism, so it had nothing to lose. At the time, the most liberal tv network, MSNBC, positioned as an alternative to FoxNews, fired Phil Donahue for becoming an outspoken critic of the imminent Iraq invasion.
A seeming contradiction in human behavior is the deep admiration felt for those that opposed authority in the past while simultaneously submitting to authority in the present. We have no trouble taking Galileo’s side today, but knowing what we know about human behavior, we should have no doubt that transported back to that time, the collective us would have been dead against him. Seems like we have to wait for popular opinion to shift.
Likewise any other past anti-authoritarians (examples could fill a book), and now extending this to Jesus. Religion aside, the historical Jesus was a whistleblowing activist taking a political position against the Roman Empire and its quisling Jewish priestly caste. We should have no doubt that the collective us would have seen things differently than we see them today.
It takes awhile. Even Daniel Ellsberg is not completely rehabilitated in the public’s mind, as he deserves to be. And why? Because the USG is still sensitive to Vietnam. That, and because he’s still alive. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an enemy of the state while alive. Now the state takes credit for him.
Which brings us to our present-day whistleblowing activists. Limiting it to only the three most prominent, that would be Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden. Assange is alive, no thanks to US/UK brutal, punitive treatment. He is a political prisoner, something the US will not admit but openly referred to as such by the Queen of England when she was asked to intervene on Assange’s behalf.
Manning has been made to suffer for years. Their treatment at the hands of the state is comparable to what Alfred Dreyfus endured at the hands of the French state. How many take the side of the state today against Dreyfus? And yet, how hard was it at the time.
We have our own Emile Zola’s speaking out for these two, but public opinion is firmly on the side of a state intent on making an example of them. Dreyfus ultimately had a fair trial, something Assange is inherently denied by the Espionage Act charge for which there is no defense.
Should it be a crime to reveal US crimes, including war crimes? Let’s pause for a moment and admit that many will answer, yes. Public opinion is essentially saying, yes. But what reaches us as “public opinion” is not raw clay but what it has been formed into by a government that gives that job to itself.
Edward Snowden exposed some things the government would rather we didn’t know about. They were “classified” by the intelligence community. That’s how they’re referred to. A community. Nice word. What has this community done to earn such trust that we believe them when they say they are acting for our own good? Spying on us for our own good.
Across the political spectrum the opinion is that Edward Snowden should come back to the US and “face the music”. That most Americans would agree speaks well for state efficiency but not for the state of mind of a people “yearning to breathe free”.
We breathe less free each time the state claims the need to defend us. The Constitution points to but does not guarantee the right to free speech. The 1st amendment is negatively expressed: Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech, a much lower standard. We do, however, each possess a supra-Constitutional right. The right to free thought. This cannot be taken away. While we’re alive.
James Rothenberg writes on U.S. social and foreign policy.

After Delhi violence, AAP weakens its potential in Punjab
by Prof. Pritam Singh

A mega debate needs to take place in Punjab among the academics, journalists, established political  activists who are capable of rising above narrow political affinities and personal career ambitions, and especially among the younger generation still looking for future alternatives to bring into being a
regional party fit for the historical task Punjab has before itself.In view of AAP’s past record of factional infighting in Punjab and its recent soft Hindutva projection, pinning hopes again on hitching Punjab’s economic, political and cultural future to a Delhi-centric party such as AAPis likely to result in either tragedy or farce.

Book Review: Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora
by Shah Munnes Muneer   

The book comprising of seven chapters gives a comprehensive but shuddery description of how during the intervening night of 23rd and 24th Feb. 1991 the district Kupwara’s twin villages, Kunan and Poshpora witnessed a midnight army operation which resulted the brutal torture of men and mass rape of women. It goes on to trace the roots and background of the investigations in this infamous mass rape by Indian army.

Fearlessly Forever !
by K P Sasi

Today, it rained in Delhi.
Tonight, the rains would wash the stains
Of blood on the streets filled with pain.

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