Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump's DOJ Manipulated Evidence Against The Left

BILL BARR? Pardoned ALL of the criminals in IRAN CONTRA to prevent the Senile pResident & CIA DIRECTOR VP from being IMPEACHED! Gave the IRAN CONTRA Architect OLLIE NORTH immunity to testify before Congress to a sanitized version. Robert Parry, founder of CONSORTIUM NEWS, continued to investigate IRAN CONTRA until his untimely passing in 2018. His articles have been preserved if you're inclined to research the issue. Gary Webb wrote an article about the CIA flooding minority neighborhoods with DRUGS to fund illegal wars and was destroyed! The CIA subsequently confirmed the veracity of Gary Webb's reporting. Never doubt the CIA involvement in DRUG SMUGGLING because they were bringing plane loads from VIETNAM and protected the POPPY CROPS in Afghanistan. Senate Republicans rushed to confirm BILL BARR for good reason.  

Bill Barr may be speaking out now to resurrect his tarnished image - DON'T BELIEVE HIM!  

Raw News And Politics

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