Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Colorado GOP homophobic comments lead Aurora City Councilman to change party affiliation


This is what a good man does. We must fight fascism whenever the GOP wheels it out Thank you for standing against the Colorado GOP, Curtis. Common sense has to start somewhere.

That's rich the GOP calling anybody else "groomers". Need more people standing up like this. There is no stronger hate than Christian love these days.

This is what a good man does. We must fight fascism whenever the GOP wheels it out

GOP: No bigger hate than God's love When your own party is finally getting as sick as the rest of us of all the hate, anger, and fear. Curtis Gardner is speaking the truth. Whenever I talk to a Republican and they tell me "Oh, but I'm not racist", I tell them that racism if a huge part of their party's platform. So, if they are a Republican, they are a racist. Stop denying it. The GOP is so foolish as to think God named them the moral hall monitor and whatever they do is righteous and sound. If anything God is disappointed in their self-righteousness. I just love how these people know what God thinks

I'm not gay, but how can someone tell another person what they can do, if they themselves don't want someone to telling them what they can do? Equal rights for all.

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Curtis Gardner changed party affiliation from Republican to Unaffiliated following Colorado GOP mass email and social media post attacking the LGBTQ+ community.

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