Monday, May 27, 2024

US MEMORIAL DAY: The Pentagon’s Ongoing Impunity


The Pentagon’s Ongoing Impunity

On the day Americans remember their war dead, a look at how compensating for civilian deaths caused by the U.S. military — in massacres by ground troops, air strikes and even, nuclear attacks — has never been a serious priority, writes Nick Turse. 
Read here...


Giorgia Meloni Takes Advantage
of Italy’s Political Vacuum

Attilio Moro considers the pro-Biden shift by Italy’s prime minister and why her party is expected to do well in European elections on June 6. 
Read here...


A World With Only the MSM

That’s what would happen if the Establishment succeeded in destroying independent media like Consortium News. 
Read here...


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The Sacklers may not Get away with Opioid Grift after all, as SCOTUS strikes Down Bankruptcy Settlement

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