Friday, May 10, 2024

Top News: 'Unhinged' Israeli Ambassador Literally Shreds UN Charter


Friday, May 10, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

'Friday News Dump': Biden State Dept Report Accepts Israeli Assurances​

"The report is a slap in the face to the Palestinian and international human rights and humanitarian organizations that provided firsthand accounts and evidence," said the head of Oxfam America.

By Jessica Corbett

South Africa Urges ICJ Action as Israeli War Cabinet Expands Rafah Assault

"Despite repeated orders by the court, Israel has not changed its conduct," South Africa's urgent request states. "It has doubled down on its genocidal aims and acts, including by invading Rafah."

By Brett Wilkins

'Argentina Stopped': Unions Hold Second General Strike Over Milei Austerity

"It is a day of resistance and demand," said trade groups that organized the action "in defense of democracy, labor rights, and the living wage."

By Jessica Corbett

'Unhinged' Israeli Ambassador Literally Shreds UN Charter Ahead of Palestine Vote

"Shame on you," said Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan shortly before the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution supporting full membership for Palestine.

By Jake Johnson

'Sad What We Are Doing': Global CO2 Increase Sets New All-Time Record

"I'd make this the lead story in every paper and newscast on the planet," said Bill McKibben. "If we don't understand the depth of the climate crisis, we will not act in time."

By Olivia Rosane

Analysis Finds Nearly 100% of Campus Gaza Protests Have Been Peaceful

"If someone is speaking more about 'violent encampments' than they are about violent genocide of the Palestinians, they have a problem reflective of deep and dangerous biases," said one supporter.

By Julia Conley


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■ Opinion

Trump Would Sell Anything for Personal Gain—Even Planet Earth

Trump told oil and gas executives to raise $1 billion to return him to the White House and he’d reverse dozens of Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted.

By Robert Reich

The World Bank Must Stop Pushing Fossil Gas in Africa

If the bank maintains its stance on gas, it risks perpetuating a neocolonial narrative by anchoring the continent in a fossil fuel-dependent development model that binds it to poverty and environmental degradation.

By Dean Bhekumuzi Bhebhe

It’s Not Complicated: Israel is Committing Genocide in Gaza

The concept of genocide means nothing at all if it is allowed to exclude Israel’s intentional and/or indifferent mass killing and injuring.

By Jared Keyel


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