"Senate Republicans and Joe Manchin have yet AGAIN failed working Americans by voting down seven days of paid sick leave for rail workers," lamented Rep. Jamaal Bowman.
"The right-tilted Supreme Court now holds in the balance relief for millions of hardworking Americans," said one campaigner. "It would be a giant loss for the economy if justices rule in favor of the special interests."
"This isn't using our taxpayer dollars wisely," said the National Priorities Project. "It's robbing programs that we need, like the discontinued child tax credit that cut child poverty by half."
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We've recently celebrated the 87th birthday of FDR signing Social Security into law. It touches the life of every working Georgian from Warm Springs to Savannah, and has saved millions from the "poorhouse."
by James Roosevelt Jr., Henry Scott Wallace, Tomlin Perkins Coggeshall, June Hopkins
Along with faith-based leaders worldwide, we are calling for a Christmas Truce as the holiday season presents "a much-needed opportunity to recognize our compassion for one another."
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