Friday, April 2, 2021

They want him gone.


Real Justice

M⁣oments ago, our team Real Justice team gave $100,000 to support Chesa and stop the racist recall effort against him being fueled by Tucker Carlson, police unions, white supremacists, and tech millionaires. 

⁣99% of them don’t even live in San Francisco, but our staff does. And we are going to fight back.⁣

Chesa is one of the most kind, compassionate, thoughtful, generous, intelligent, competent, hard working people I’ve ever met. ⁣

San Francisco elected him to be their District Attorney. And now racist white folk want to see his good work undone.

It makes sense, because he just became the first DA to charge an officer with murder in the history of the city. Now they want him gone.

Please join me in standing with Chesa. Donate to the campaign.

And if you haven’t yet, sign our petition at

We need all hands on deck.

Appreciate you,



Republicans, the police union, and the ultra-wealthy are banding together to overturn the results of the free and fair election of Chesa Boudin. They want to roll back his progress on creating real public safety solutions, reducing incarceration, and holding police accountable.

On the day he took office just over a year ago, Chesa Boudin stood before us and promised to use the power of his office to do what San Franciscans elected him to do: fight for a more fair, effective, and accountable justice system.

Photo: Smeeta Mahanti

Despite historic obstacles, he has kept his promises. He dramatically reduced the jail population to protect people living inside jails and the broader community from a deadly COVID-19 outbreak. He consistently fights for more support for victims of crime, including financial help and housing for domestic violence survivors. He holds those who abuse power accountable, including prosecuting a San Francisco police officer for killing an unarmed Black man and prosecuting corporations that take advantage of vulnerable workers.

Make no mistake: this effort to overturn an election is Republican-led and fueled by fear-mongering and dangerous misinformation. They are pushing this recall at a time when we should be focusing on public health and economic recovery from the pandemic’s devastating toll on our city.

We are proud to stand with Chesa in opposition to a costly and distracting recall effort. We stand with Chesa because he is proving that we do not have to choose between ending mass incarceration and protecting public safety. We can do both.

Those pushing the recall want you to think San Francisco is getting more dangerous by the minute, and that Boudin is letting people run scot free.

Here is the truth: violent crime in San Francisco is at historic lows. Overall crime has dropped by 30% – even during a destabilizing pandemic.

Boudin’s office continues to prosecute cases where harm has occurred, while fighting for public health solutions and investments that prevent crime before it happens.

source: San Francisco Chronicle


  • Dramatically increased police accountability, bolstering the Independent Investigations Bureau to investigate and prosecute allegations of police misconduct and illegal use of force;
  • Filed historic charges against police officers for violence, including the first time that a San Francisco district attorney has ever filed murder charges against police;
  • Stopped charging people with crimes based on uncorroborated testimony of officers known to commit misconduct;


  • Ended prosecutors’ requests for cash bail, which undermines public safety and punishes poverty;
  • Eliminated the use of racist gang enhancements, which target people of color for guilt by association;
  • Helped reduce the jail population by nearly 50% in the first quarter of 2020 alone and avoided a COVID outbreak in the San Francisco jail; 
  • Committed to prosecuting children as children and cut the number of youth incarcerated in San Francisco by approximately 50%;


  • Implemented a primary caregiver diversion program to support and assist parents and children impacted by the legal system to get on track;
  • Created an independent, freestanding Innocence Commission alongside a new Post-Conviction Unit to review wrongful convictions and excessive sentences;
  • Significantly expanded diversion programs to address root causes of crimes and avoid unnecessarily saddling people — including parents — with criminal records;
  • Expanded the use of restorative justice resolutions when that path is preferred by the victim;


  • Created an innovative Economic Crimes Against Workers Unit to protect the most vulnerable from crimes like wage theft;
  • Dedicated an Assistant District Attorney to prosecuting hate crimes;
  • Increased meaningful support for victims, including by spearheading programs that provide housing and transportation for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; offering compensation for people who experience police violence; supporting small businesses that experience vandalism; and expanding testing of toxicology samples for sexual assault survivors;
  • Dramatically grew the victim services division to ensure that crime survivors can immediately secure victim services, even when an arrest has not yet been made.

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