Monday, September 28, 2020



Dropping Some Truth Bombs on a Fine Monday Morning ...

You can't claim to be a "man of the people" when you don't pay taxes for 10 years. Donald Trump has finally been revealed as the scam artist he has always been. For years he has been using leveraged money to fund his fraudulent schemes. He bankrupted company after company with other people's money like a vulture, walked away with a golden parachute, and wrote the whole thing off so he didn't have to pay any taxes. He's nothing more than a con artist, and if you don't see that by now you're a special kind of stupid.

Nancy Pelosi should initiate impeachment proceedings against William Barr immediately. Not only is Barr one of the most corrupt attorney generals in the history of this country it would tie up the senate for the next month. That could delay the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court until after the election. Democrats have to be every bit as politically ruthless as Republicans from now on.

Nobody spends $70,000 a year on their hair.

It takes serious gall by Donald Trump to call Hunter Biden corrupt after his own kids were willful participants in his tax evasion schemes. That's the political equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?" Ivanka has some explaining to do.

If you truly are a supporter of Bernie Sanders then you need to listen to him now. Joe Biden is just a bridge to 2024. Donald Trump cannot be allowed to pack the courts for four more years. That would destroy the progressive agenda for a generation. Enough with the third-party nonsense. We understand you have the right to vote for whomever you choose. That isn't the question. The question is why you would turn your back on Bernie when he is practically begging you to end Trump's reign of tyranny?

Fox News recently won a lawsuit by arguing that no reasonable viewer believes Tucker Carlson tells the truth on his show. That is the first honest statement that Fox News has ever made.

Hillary Clinton was pretty much right about everything she ever said about Donald Trump.


Trump supporters:

I know you'll want to "write-off" the Trump tax return story in the NY Times as fake liberal news like your godhead has claimed.

But also making the rounds is this Twitter thread from Dan Alexander, a reporter at Forbes -- published by former Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes, and a right-leaning financial publication with a pretty great reputation.

He's calculated using verifiable and public information (along with estimates from sources) the amount of debt Trump currently owes. He's calculated it at $1.1 billion, which a lot of it due in the coming years.

There are so many insane problems that can come because of his massive debt. These include:

1) Someone (or a few people) with a loose $1.1 billion laying around could arrange to bail out the president of the United States. But what will that entity want in return? There's an infinite amount of conflicts possible.

2) Do you know who has a loose $1.1 billion laying around? A lot of foreign nations through their sovereign wealth funds or treasuries or connected oligarchs willing to advance a foreign power's cause. You think Saudi Arabia wouldn't want to take a $1.1 billion mortgage on the president of the United States? You know how you've discounted those Russian stories as fake news? Putin and his cronies would absolutely love to front the president the money in exchange for something like "recognizing Crimea as Russian" or "pulling more troops out of NATO."

3) It's just a really bad sign that the person of the executive branch with oversight over all levels of federal government's private business plan is "take on as much debt as possible and just see what happens next, LOL, I can just declare bankruptcy again and leave my creditors holding the bag."

4) Trump's businesses are really hurting right now since so much is dependent on leisure and hospitality. He can sell his properties to get his debt squared away. Who do you think will want to buy it? People who want to own a golf course in Bedminster,NJ? Or someone who wants to curry favor with the American president for his own personal gains?

5) One way Trump can get the cashflow needed to make his debt payments is by ensuring that his residential and office properties are filled with people willing to pay those leases. That's absolutely ripe for money laundering.

6) Trump loves pushing through executive orders. He has the full incentive to write something financially beneficial to him.

Please substitute the name of "Trump" with "Obama" or "Hilary" or "Biden" and all of what I said. THIS IS ALL TRUE. This is not some vague like. Tell me how you would honestly feel then.

I know this is something you will likely just ignore because -- hey -- people know Trump was slime before he ran and you still voted for the guy anyways and treat him like a religious figure.

I don't want to be snarky, but it also might be over the head of the average Trump supporter who will respond to this with an animated train .gif or photos of annoying liberals.

But if you are voting for this person, you are voting for someone who is incredibly compromised financially.

But if you are voting for this person, you are voting for someone who is incredibly compromised financially.

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