Saturday, May 6, 2023

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch caught red-handed


Supreme Court Justice
Neil Gorsuch
caught red-handed
Inequality Media
Dear Everyone,
Believe it or not, yet another Supreme Court justice has just been caught red-handed covering up details about a shady real estate deal.
This time it’s Neil Gorsuch, who we’ve just learned sold a $2 million vacation home to the CEO of a major corporate law firm that has argued hundreds of cases before the Court.
Let’s recap: Clarence Thomas has taken millions in gifts from a Republican megadonor. Chief Justice John Roberts’s wife has taken millions from law firms that argue cases before the Supreme Court. Now it turns out Justice Gorsuch is on the take as well.
And to add insult to injury, when Chief Justice Roberts was invited this week to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about these issues, he simply refused to show up.
Friends, the highest court in the land should not have the lowest ethical standards. The good news is that there’s growing momentum in Congress to finally force the Supreme Court to adopt a code of ethics.
Inequality Media has launched a major effort to alert the public about the Supreme Court’s scandals and the importance of its legitimacy as an impartial adjudicator.
Will you make a donation to help spread the truth and urge Congress to pass a legally binding Supreme Court code of ethics?
It’s become increasingly clear that these justices simply believe themselves to be above the law and beyond even answering for their actions.
In the case of Justice Gorsuch, the apparent conflict of interest is so blatant as to be nearly laughable.
At the time he was nominated to the Court, Gorsuch had a 40-acre vacation home in Colorado that had been languishing on the market for two years without a buyer. Then suddenly, just weeks after he was confirmed, the head of one of the biggest law firms in the world snapped it up, delivering a windfall for the new justice, who would be ruling on dozens of his firm’s cases in the years to come.
Then Gorsuch left out the identity of the buyer on the legally required disclosure form, presumably in an attempt to hide the conflict of interest from the public.
You won’t be surprised to learn that Gorsuch has sided with his benefactor’s law firm in a clear majority of the cases that have come before the Supreme Court, including a 5-4 case gutting EPA global warming pollution controls for coal-fired power plants.
If a member of Congress or staffer had committed these kinds of ethical breaches, they’d be immediately censured or fired. But as long as the mainstream media continues to treat the Supreme Court as some kind of untouchable temple, and discussion of court reform as a fringe idea, we’ll never get the accountability we need.
That’s why Inequality Media’s strategy is to work around the mainstream media to educate and demand action through viral videos and shareable explainers on social media.
But as a people-powered nonprofit, we rely on your donations to keep doing this work. So I’m asking you today: Will you make a donation to Inequality Media to help inform the public and demand Supreme Court ethics reform?
Thank you for joining our fight against corruption,
Robert Reich
Inequality Media
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Basic remedy?
Vote all republicans out. Look at the state of Georgia. Fair Fight registered many voters and we regained our Senate. WE need to tap into the 101 million missing voters. Fight FOX tabloid medias, crush gerrymandering by
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Then WE can focus on our priorities.
We can expand SCOTUS, and end the filibuster. We can repeal Citizens United and return the fairness doctrine.
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‘Register more missing voters’. This plants ideas, seeds, and competes with the unchecked 24/7 radical tabloid & mainstream medias.
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